Hi All,

I used FA in the EU and it worked great for VAT with the reports already handy. Now I'm running a US company and finding it a bit awkward to make monthly Federal 940,941 deposits, fill out quarterly 940/941 reports, and then create annual W2 reports.

Right now I go in and make all sort of custom queries, tally things up by hand on a calculator, etc. Has anybody got the standard US reporting for tax purposes built into a module? State withholding is done the same way so whatever solution works for federal should work for state as well.



Well I couldn't wait to send out invoices so I just pounded on it until it worked. I created a second company and was able to use that one to send invoices.

What had happened I believe was that I didn't have something (perhaps the item or item category) defined before I tried to make my customer... so it created the customer with a phantom branch. That branch is not editable but it is the one that the system tries to use by default. Even with other branches it corrupted the whole customer. So I deleted the two branches I had made, and still cannot delete the customer (because of this orphan branch). I was able to mark it as disabled though and carry on.

I'd still like to delete that broken customer (and it's phantom branch that I cannot see) but if nobody knows how to do that the world will continue to turn I imagine.

Hi Apmuthu,

It is the admin user in all cases. I haven't even begun to sort out the issues with creating less-privileged users.

Any other ideas? Is there any way to see what is going wrong other than just seeing that a screen isn't there?



Hi All,

This is my second company I've created in FA and it's not letting me create an invoice although it worked fine in the first company. I have followed the setup in the wiki (and followed my notes for my first company) as accurately as possible. I have exactly one customer, branch, item category, item, tax, tax type, tax group and even a fake supplier all defined.

When I select Sales -> Direct Invoice I first get a warning that customer and branch are not valid. The only customer is chosen by default but the default branch seems to be the branch name being the same as the customer which is not correct. I change the branch to be the only branch I have defined, the error goes away, but I never get the main body of the invoice to fill out. I only get the top fields (customer, branch, reference, current credit, customer discount, payment, price list, invoice date).

Is the weird warning about the branch relevant (and if so how do I select my only branch of my only customer to be my default), otherwise is it likely something else?

errors.log is empty.



I'm new to FA and this is such a basic question I think my accountant and I must surely be doing it wrong, but at this time it seems that the labels of "credit" and "debit" are mis-labeled in the banking reports. I have created a new company with one single transaction for clarity...

Entered a "Deposit" from Banking/GL menu of 1000 EUR into the current banking account, and chose a long-term liability account for the 1000 in equity. This represents the initial shares purchased.

Balance sheet shows everything as expected: 1000 in the current account under "assets", 1000 in the equity account under "liabilities". Perfect and as expected.

Now I go to the bank statement report and it shows 1000 under the "debit" column instead of the "credit" column although the final balance is still shown correctly as 1000.

Are my accountant and I both making the schoolboy error of misunderstanding the context of debit-vs-credit (and thus both thinking "backwards") or is there indeed an error here? The same issue, if it is indeed an issue, is represented in the reconcile bank account form as well. I'm confused obviously, although the source of the confusion is not obvious at this time.

Best regards,


Hi Joe,

Thanks for writing back. I actually was discussing two different options and am not sure which one you are recommending. It seems you might be recommending that I keep all of these different instances in the same database but I'm still leaning towards having a separate databse / application directory for each instance unless I'm pushed otherwise. Can you clarify?

Reasons I'm considering a separate database / application directory for each instance:

- can upgrade application directory to new version and test without affecting production
- can control with the URL which system users log into, makes it easier to control access

It looks like I can just export / import the whole database and copy the contents of the company/0 directory structure and it will bring the whole FA instance over when doing a refresh. Am I missing anything?

And your warning that I am "very much on my own" is a bit ominous. I do want to do refreshes in a way that is a best practice and can at least ask in the forums and hope somebody answers.

Thanks again,



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Thanks itronics, you are entirely correct. Now I see the option and have my company 0 running the non-english COA. Thanks!



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi Joe,

Not sure what all was clipped but the most important stuff is there in my question. I don't mind having a training company (and started another thread asking about it) but with the wizard only letting me choose EN-US for the company 0, it's not very useful for training. So it's just a wasted company from my point of view and potentially confusing.

Post-hoc justifications aside, is that indeed the state that you must have a company 0 which is EN-US and then from that company install your "real" company which is then company 1, 2 etc? I figured I could find and copy the COA file into some directory prior to installing with the wizard and then it might be a choosable option for company 0.

Thanks for writing back,


Hi All,

I'm playing with FA in a sandbox and want to begin building out my company in a development environment. It's obvious I'm going to want to have multiple instances: TEST/DEV/TRAIN/QA/PROD but not clear what the best practice would be. On the one hand I could make them all separate companies in the same database. Alternatively I could make each one a separate install with a separate database. I'm leaning heavily toward separate installs and databases.

One of the biggest issues I can foresee is going to be refreshes. Copying PROD to TRAIN for example so I can train people on real production data in a safe environment. Is the refresh procedure documented? If they are separate databases can I just export PROD, import into TRAIN and rename the company, change passwords, etc? If they are in the same database, could I write a script to export all the "1_%" tables and re-import them as "2_%" table names for example to have company 1 refreshed onto company 2?

Thanks in advance for the help, great product here and looking forward to playing with it and hopefully going live.

Best regards,



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi All,

Playing with FA to see if it will work for me, and I don't see how it couldn't. Looks great so far. My annoyance on the dev system is that I am using the provided Netherlands COA as a base, but when I go through the wizard on a fresh install I can only choose US COA with or without demo data. Thus I end up with company 0 that I will never use other than to log in, install the NL COA, then create company 1 which is my