Topic: Company 0 with different COA?

Hi All,

Playing with FA to see if it will work for me, and I don't see how it couldn't. Looks great so far. My annoyance on the dev system is that I am using the provided Netherlands COA as a base, but when I go through the wizard on a fresh install I can only choose US COA with or without demo data. Thus I end up with company 0 that I will never use other than to log in, install the NL COA, then create company 1 which is my

Re: Company 0 with different COA?

Well, it is not a bad idea to have a Training Co, where you can experiment with different things, also accounting issues.

Your topic was clipped after 'which is my'.


Re: Company 0 with different COA?

Hi Joe,

Not sure what all was clipped but the most important stuff is there in my question. I don't mind having a training company (and started another thread asking about it) but with the wizard only letting me choose EN-US for the company 0, it's not very useful for training. So it's just a wasted company from my point of view and potentially confusing.

Post-hoc justifications aside, is that indeed the state that you must have a company 0 which is EN-US and then from that company install your "real" company which is then company 1, 2 etc? I figured I could find and copy the COA file into some directory prior to installing with the wizard and then it might be a choosable option for company 0.

Thanks for writing back,


Re: Company 0 with different COA?

I'm not sure you are talking about, probably you have overlooked some options presented during FA installation. On the page with database settings you have also two checkboxes, which you have to  select if you want to use non-US languages/COAs. Then you can select any available packages which are suitable for you, and use any installed COA for ccompany 0 creation.

Re: Company 0 with different COA?

Thanks itronics, you are entirely correct. Now I see the option and have my company 0 running the non-english COA. Thanks!
