Topic: Credits and Debits mislabeled in banking reports?

I'm new to FA and this is such a basic question I think my accountant and I must surely be doing it wrong, but at this time it seems that the labels of "credit" and "debit" are mis-labeled in the banking reports. I have created a new company with one single transaction for clarity...

Entered a "Deposit" from Banking/GL menu of 1000 EUR into the current banking account, and chose a long-term liability account for the 1000 in equity. This represents the initial shares purchased.

Balance sheet shows everything as expected: 1000 in the current account under "assets", 1000 in the equity account under "liabilities". Perfect and as expected.

Now I go to the bank statement report and it shows 1000 under the "debit" column instead of the "credit" column although the final balance is still shown correctly as 1000.

Are my accountant and I both making the schoolboy error of misunderstanding the context of debit-vs-credit (and thus both thinking "backwards") or is there indeed an error here? The same issue, if it is indeed an issue, is represented in the reconcile bank account form as well. I'm confused obviously, although the source of the confusion is not obvious at this time.

Best regards,


Re: Credits and Debits mislabeled in banking reports?

Now I go to the bank statement report and it shows 1000 under the "debit" column instead of the "credit" column although the final balance is still shown correctly as 1000.

Well this is shown correctly under the debet column for the bank account. And it should. It is a bank deposit, right?

I hope you understand.
