
(5 replies, posted in Setup)

This is related to your server setup. You can avoid this by making small change in config.php:

@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
    |                                                   |

    // Make sure this directory exists and is writable!
    $session_save_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/';

-    $session_save_path = session_save_path();
+//    $session_save_path = session_save_path();
    if (strpos($session_save_path, ";") !== false)
        $session_save_path = substr($session_save_path, strpos($session_save_path, ";") + 1);



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

With pleasure smile.

BTW the backup/install needs some more help/cleanup I think, but I'm out of time lately and Joe is more insider in this matter then me, so you can talk to him when he will be back next week.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Fixed, thanks a lot.


(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Receipts are calculated in balances after allocation. So if all amount on sales invoice or receipt is allocated respective Outstanding column on Customer Balances Report states zero. This not apply for older buggy records on demo site, where amounts for receipt /customer credits where entered with bad sign.

Anyway the report needs corrections as deliveries should not be counted into balances - corrected.

Thanks a lot for testing effort.

Version 2.0 is to be released sometime at late spring (april/may - Joe's post on mailing list), after all planned functional additions and bugfixes are done. The more user reponse the earlier it wil be ready.

Anyway in mean time you can get it in current state from CVS unstable branch.


Hello alex,

Yes, there is some simplifications in db_import function which are cost of smaller source code size. The import function must work properly with FA backup files, and it do.

Anyway when MySQL dump file is made out of FA installation (for example via phpmyadmin) correct settings ensure compatibility with db_import(). First of all  this is MYSQL323 compatibility option and DROP TABLE + IF NOT EXISTS usage.
With other options you can experiment to achieve best results.



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Some earlier versions of unstable  (before latest fixes) could produce invalid database records, which in turn can produce this error. Now this should not appear on curerently entered transactions.

Regarding invisable links - this depend on CSS implementation in various browsers. My goal was to make buttons which looks  like links to continue FA look &feel, but this may be unsatisfactory in some cases.

Could you play a little with /themes/*/default.css settings for your current theme  regarding .editbutton class ? If you can please comment out some of those lines about opacity, select proper settings and post it here together with your browser version.


I cannot reply this issue. Which FA release do you use ?


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Never mind. Tax structure is rewritten in forthcoming FA 2.0 so this monolog is obsolete now wink.


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

I'm not sure I understand your need correctly.
Could you explain how do you think it should work (step by step) ?


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Hello Attila

In first case you should have access to admin account with password 'password'.
Please ensure you have correct database connection parameters in config_db.php file.

In the second case you can upload en_US-new.sql script from /sql to /admin/backup directory and restore database from this one. This file contains some basic records, but there is no any sample data. Don't  forget to make new fiscal period for 2008 year as the data are a little outdated.



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Hmm, I'm not sure. CVS is superior tool for cooperative developers work. The command line utilities could be difficult for users which use only windows, but what about the TortoiseCVS? This is GUI application and (I think) it should follow Windows user interface philosophy.

Anyway if you want to have latest source code I can pack it and post to you. Send me your email address via forum private message.

Can you unpack tar.gz archive without troubles?



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

On which page you have found this problem ?



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Attila wrote:

Okay I have figuered it it out Reports Customers, Inv/Credit

Unless there is a more direct way  ?

In Front Accounting v.1.16 all document printing is available only via Report Module.

This should change in forthcoming version 2.0. At least we'll add links to printing after document entry which is partially implemented in unstable CVS branch.

All this is Joe work which now is on short holidays. Please exhort him about this within a week wink.


Thanks for info.
The bug has been corrected on demo as well as in CVS source.



(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Hello wildkactus

The system where you running Front Accounting is not important as the software works  correct on Win as well as on any Linux flavour.

If you have db tables filled via phpmyadmin you should also enter database connection parameters to config_db.php manually. Finally you should have access to account 'admin with login 'password'.


I've two news for you softechmatrix - a bad and a good one, as usually.

First one is that this issue needs so much effort to fix that we've not decide to implement it in FrontAccounting 1.xx.

The good news is that today I've just uploaded to CVS huge pack of fixes which adds this feature to current development source. In other words this is implemented and will be released with FrontAccounting 2.0.

In mean time you can test it on demo site for unstable version (http://fa2.iron.from.pl)
Enjoy smile



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi all,

First of all we do not use SVN. All the code (stable and unstable) is stored in CVS server on sourceforge.net. So if you want to check the source out,  you must use any CVS client. Under Windows this is for example TortoiseCVS: http://www.tortoisecvs.org/.

I'm afraid I cannot help with Windows CVS clients as I do all my activity entirely under Linux and beside this I rather prefer console tools, then GUI. Nevertheless in any GUI client there should be any entry form to select current sever, protocol account settings and name of current working branch. You must find it yourself.

All the code is available from anonymous CVS, so you can connect without any password. As on any anonymous CVS server you can connect without any password (login 'anonymous') but you have only read access. So if you want to submit any code which can be usable to FA community you must send it to Joe or to me.

I strongly advice reading sorceforge.net info on CVS access. They have also step by step instructions for some GUI CVS clients.



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Jan

Current development version is commited into CVS under 'unstable' branch.
You can see it via sf.net CVS web interface by selecting proper branch.
You can also download current dev source by two commands:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@frontaccounting.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/frontaccounting login

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@frontaccounting.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/frontaccounting co -r unstable -P frontaccount

We've established also demo sever with unstable release  at http://fa2.iron.from.pl



(17 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

OK. I'm happy I've helped you.
BTW I want point out that our team is involved in next FA release development, so the old stable version can have slower support now. If you have some spare time and want to test new functionalities of FA v.2 you can do it on our demo site http://fa2.iron.from.pl or simply upload new version from CVS (unstable branch). This is in alpha stage, however - beside smaller bugs we do not know about - all should work. All response is highly appreciated.



(17 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I don't know what FA version you have. After reading your post I've uploaded current main branch from CVS which is actually ver. 1.16 with some fixes. After applying the patch all seems to work correct for me, although I haven't to much time to test it thoroughly.

Regarding report module Joe is more competent, so you should wait a while for his response.



(17 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi wkeull

You are right I'm afraid. This is a bug in FA v.1.16. If you want to patch your local  source tree below is attached fix which you should apply to sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php. Or you can wait for next FA 1.xx release. Thanks a lot for your testing effort.


<             AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue
>             AND (".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "')
>             AND ((".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.ov_amount + "
>               .TB_PREF."debtor_trans.ov_gst + "
>               .TB_PREF."debtor_trans.ov_freight )>".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.alloc
>         )) AS OverDue


(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

There is one easy way to make it in a while.  Some times ago I was working on integrating fpdf class in place of ros.co.nz one. The work is mostly done, but needs some corrections as without them it doesn't works for some repxxx.php files. Nevertheless if you would use this optional pdf generator you can use free fdfi extension which provides including scanned images into generated report. If you want to continue the work let me know and I'll send you what I have.

Hello again,

I've just  found it.
This is problem of some old MySQL extensions for php which do not like ';' in 'create' queries. This bug affects MySQL client API version 3.23.58 at least. The problem will be fixed in CVS soon.

You can fix it yourself too in your local copy of FA, here is the patch:

diff -r1.5 maintenance_db.inc

<             if (strtolower(substr($line, 0, 1)) == ")")
>             if (strtolower(substr($line, 0, 1)) == ")") {
>                 $line = substr($line,0,strlen($line)-1);
>           }


Hi all,
I had the same problem when installing FA in subdomain. Strange 10_ prefix is simply result of multiply calling install.php  Database was not created, but you have 10 new login data sets in config_db.php. This bug is the small one.

The reason of the whole issue is unclear for me, and I hadn't enough time to track it down. Database claims that there is syntax error near ';' in line 20 of en_US.sql
