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itronics wrote:I guess you have entered the cost when you have done adjustment for B, didn't you?
Probably. I just realized that you had to enter the cost when doing an adjustement. I should have entered the wrong price then.
Everything is normal, then. I guess I just have to do a cost update .
I think we are not speaking of the same thing.
I haven't invoice the item. So it appears in the 'Items Received Yet to be Invoice' with an 'add' button on the right.
If I press add, the button transforms indeed to a red cross. If I press this cross it's "removed" and come back to 'add'.
I want to CANCEL this delivery , I don't want to see it anymore in the supplier page. (In fact, I canceled a couple of months ago , the corresponding invoice, which made it come back as to be invoiced).
I have a strange behavior
I 'renamed' an item from A to B by doing 2 stock adjustement (let's say I had 10 item A. I have done a negatif transfer of 10 A and a positif transfer of 10 B).
So far everything is fine. I have 0 A left and 10 B. However the question is how the stock evaluated ?
Item B seems to have a standard_cost but I don't know where it got it. (The weird thing is that it's kind of correct, it's exactly the purchase price for one the supplier but without having be converted in the good currency, so at the end it's wrong).
The question is, how item B got its standard cost ? (I have never purchased it, the only transaction are items_adjusement and customer delivery)
I'm logged as admin and I don't find anything, could you be more explicit ?(name of the page and name of the button)
Many thank
I entered a purchase delivery which I would like to cancel. How can I do it ?
When I tried to void it, I can't because It's not selectable, and I can't edit (because I don't know how to do it).
There is nothing in GL but it's annoying to have it
I'm afraid I have to do that, but that mean I can't use anymore direct payment (and so quick entries, etc) which where very handy ...
Thanks anyway
I see , so if I mix different VAT type in the same payment, everything should be fine, as long as the VAT amount are correct.
The problem with calculated the amount backward, is, how can I enter 0-VAT transaction (via a payment).
I know I can create an Item with the approriate Tax type, but I still mean with direct payment.
In the UK some item are either 0-VAT or not subject to VAT, but they need to be included in the VAT return.
If I could enter the net amount, instead of the tax amount, in the payment, that would work even for a 0 rate tax, and then be used in the report.
What can I do then ?
Hi Joe
That's what I do, my question how FA knows which rate/amount to use in the Tax inquiry.
For example, let say I buy something for $100 with 20% of VAT.
I enter the following payment
100 -> Stationary
20 -> Tax
total $120.
Everything is fine, the Tax inquiry will tell me net $100, tax $20.
Let's imagine know that I made a mistake and I entered 120 instead of 100
120 -> Stationary
20 -> Tax (20%)
What will the tax inquiry tell me ?
1 - Net 120, tax 20
2 - Net 100 , tax 20
3 Net 120, tax 24 ?
why ?
I'm asking the question again
When I do a "bank payment", how does FA guess which VAT rate is applied.
I'm not speaking of buying/selling Items which indeeds have a Tax configuration but just normal payment, where I split manually the payment in like "Office stationary" account and a "VAT account".
My problem is when I do a VAT inquiry, the VAT told by the report never match the corresponding VAT GL account.
That's a good question, I was thinking initially about doing a Credit Note, but that doesn't work.
I would say make a negative payment, but I'm pretty sure FA wouldn't allow it ...
No there is a bug when you void a transaction which modify the last used reference number.
To correct it go to Setup/form_display and change the number (575 in your case) to the last transaction you used + 1
(if you have already entered a transaction with 576 and 577 then put 578).
Removing the '\n' doesn't work. Removing the like 133 and 135 works too
I've fixed the problem by adding the boundary at the end of the header (I've seen that somewhere).
I have no idea why it works but it seems better.
136 $this->header .= "--".$this->boundary."\n";
I'm not sure if it's FA responsibilites but I think there is a bug in the top ten customer graph on the executive themes.
The credit note are added to the total instead of being substracted.
The following line fix the problem
"themes/exclusive/renderer.php" 1358
$sql = "SELECT SUM((ov_amount + ov_discount) * rate*IF(trans.type = ".ST_CUSTCREDIT.", -1, 1)) AS total,d.debtor_no, FROM
I see.
Thank you very much for your explaination.
Even if they are not logged in ?
I'm a bit confused how the VAT and shipping works. It seems that on Sales invoice the shipping as the VAT applied, but when you do a credit note, the VAT doesn't take the shipping into account.
Is it a bug or configuration problem ? Is there a way to configure it ?
In the UK it's a bit tricky, because general carrier are subject to VAT whereas post is not.
So we the shipping for a delivery is subject to VAT but when customers send us something back (credit note), they use the post office which is not.
So in my case the "bug" is in my favor but it's still confusing
I see, it 's "only" security between company users. I thought it would be against external user.
I have only 2 users so in my case that's not a problem
Many thanks
Thanks. Just wondering, what is the security flaw if you don't scrambled the report name ?
I'm not sure I need this security. Is that possible to disable it then (and where )?
I can send the email but I don't know why, the PDF is not viewed by the client as an attachment but as an encoded email.
I can change the name when I'm saving the PDF but it will be easier if I didn't have to change the name and the 'proposed' name was correct.
For some reason, I can't email statement to customers . So what I have to do, is save the pdf and email it to my customeres as an attachment. However, it's a bit hard because the name of the saved pdf is something like 134cdada333.pfd.
Is there anyway I can generate a nicer name (like 'statement-<customer>-<date>.pdf'.
If it 's possible, I can do it, just need to know where to do it ?
Many thanks
Thanks, I'll have a look.
Hi , I might be stupid, but how do use the POS functionality ?
I set up a POS but what can I do with it ? I can't see anywhere where this is used ...
Is it possible to disable keyboard shortcut ? (they clash with some shortcut of my browser plugins).
Also how do they work ?
Many thanks
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