
(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

You can change in /reporting/includes/doctext.inc about line 268.



(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

This is not possible in existing core.You can either make an extension or change the code.


I have answered you in Another topic. Please only use one topic per question.



(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You cannot assign a user to a specific item. Consider using dimensions and call it a user name and assign it to the item.

You can also put a location to a POS which you can put on every user.

You may test for yourself on the Training Co.


This has now been fixed. HG repository updated. Will be included in next minor release.


Yes, this will be a good idea, however, we have the option for cash invoices which are being paid automatically, so we will have to make a filter for this. For cash invoices we should be able to print a receipt and for normal invoices we should have the option to make a customer payment. Will have a look into this.


This is normally not needed, however you van use cost accruals to destribute depreciations and other things during the year.


You can also copy the report rep705.php into /company/X/reporting, where X is your company number.

FA will always look into the company reporting folder for specific reports. Here you can change the report without changing the original.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

A global variable in config.php, $print_invoice_no (I guess it is called, I am not at the source at present) is probably set to 1. Set it to 0 and the reference is printed instead.


Hello jlinkels,

Well everything is working correctly.

You see, the account numbers are so called alphanumeric (not numeric), that is to say that account 110 is grater than account 1000.

So this is the reason for the behaviour. Just remember this, and you will have no problems in the future.


I saw your print-outs and they had strange reference numbers. With this backup, I could still not reproduce your errors by entering a service item and a new customer. When Printing your attached invoice and purchase order I could still not reproduce this error for both documents.

There must be some mistake in your code somewhere.

If you want to try the source, that I am using, you can download it from our HG Repository:


Press the 'Download Snapshot' link up right. After a while a zip file is created that you can download.

Try to make a new installation with this new zip file and restore your attached sql backup file on your earlier Company.
When I tested, I changed the prefix in the file, fl_ , to 0_ to make my Life a Little easier.

Hopefully it is working for you with this new installation.


I guess so, but I am not sure. At least it should.


Ok, I will ask Janusz to forward it to me.


The tricky part arise when you have paid the Spplier Invoice, either by a Customer Payment or a Bank Payment, and later receive a Credit Note and a supplier refund (Bank Deposit).

I will try to explain everything in detail.

1. You receive a Supplier Invoice.

2. You most certainly pay the Supplier Invoice by  a Customer Payment. Here you will select the invoice that should be allocated.

3 After a while you claim the Supplier Invoice (you want your money back). This results in a Supplier Credit Note.

4. This Credit note cannot be used to allocate the Supplier Invoice. This invoice has already been allocated. So the Credit note simple stays here until you receive the refund from your Supplier (a Bank Deposit).

5.  Now the Credit Note is used for allocating the Bank Deposit.

6. You can only use Supplier Payments,  Bank Payments of Credit Notes for allocation of Supplier Invoices (and also Bank Deposits).

7. When no payments are involved things are much easier. Then the Credit Note is being used to allocate the Invoice. And this is done automatically when using the supplier transactions window.


Yes, please either use my user email or use the contribution email, that is on our Website, Contact Us page.


The Bank Deposit should not be seen on the initial screen. On my setup here I cannot see the bank deposit on the initial screen, because only Supplier/Bank Payments abd Supplier Credit Notes should be seen here. First when you press the Allocate image, the bank deposits are seen among the invoices.


I know, but this is the way to eliminate the Bank Deposit from the allocation form.


I was not able to reproduce this error. Anybody else having this problem?
As a standard, the reference number is printed and if you use direct invoice, then the delivery reference should be 'auto'.

If you can, try to give all the specific details to make research for unknown issues.
Thanks in advance.


Hello again.

Everything is working correctly.
After you have entered the Bank Deposit and the Credit Note go to Purchasing tab, Allocate Supplier Payments or Credit Notes. Look up your credit note and press the Allocate button (image). Look up the Bank Deposit and allocate all and press Process button.

Now Everything is ok smile


The credit notes is used for allocations just like supplier payments. I will have a look at this. I think all is ok, but I will be back.


I see that this text has different meanings, depending on creating a new invoice or editing an existing.

If creating a new sales order, the button cancels the Changes and if an existing order it means deleting a sales order.

If you Place your mouse pointer over the button, you will see an explaning text about what is going to happen.

This is the reason for Calling it Cancel Order.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Check if the Accounts Receivables account on the Customer Branch is set correctly.

If cash invoice, the accounts receivables is both debited and credited (during the automatic payment record).



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

You create a new currency in the Banking and General Ledger tab, Currencies.

BTW, please read the wiki .


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

If you haven't had any transactions, then you can just create the MAD currenct and select this currency on your company setup.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Another option would be to print the BL and PL sheets to Excel/OO Calc for every Company and build a sheet for assembling the various Company result.
