The same you have subscribed, but without '-subscribe' suffix. Use your email address you have used for subscribe, or mail list server will send you next Chinese advice wink.


Yes you are right, seems debuger does not works as it should at this point.
Nothing is perfect, even Firebug.


What is your configuration? Firebug in FF under Linux works as expected.

There is no special development forum, simply because mailing list (or direct mail contact) works better in this case. Subscription to developers mailing list is not restricted, but most of FrontAccounting users are rather interested in new features than FA internals and developer discussions wink.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I have send you yesterday patch candidate directly on your email. Does it works for you?

Yes, FA suffers from common illness of open source projects world - lack of time for documentation smile.


As for now there is no real developers guide, I'm affraid. Please subscribe to developers mailing list (you will find the address on our wiki), so when in trouble you can ask other developers for help.

Regarding ajax it works generally as follows:
. All ajax updates are performed using JsHttpRequest library, which consists two parts: javascript code stored in js directory and used on browser side, and JsHttpRequest.php class used in backend handler.
. All ajax calls are supported by global $Ajax variable.
. Gui elements are ajaxified in helper functions (includes/ui/*). It means that during page rendering content/values of all form controls are buffered, and when $Ajax->activate method is called somewhere during ajax call processing, related element values/content is send to browser, and updated on user's window.
. All ajaxified elements degrade graccefully on non-javascript browser. It means that FA is usable also with javascript off, although in fallback mode it is not so comfortable as using ajax.
. Javascript handlers for most of active controls are installed on browser side during onload event handling by behaviour class. Most of the definitions you will find in inserts.js file.

Hope it helps.


As far as I know current inventory valuation algorithm does not behave well when inventory became negative. Ask Joe about this, he is the author of the code.



(8 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

It seems something is broken in php sources, or session is not created, so the $_SESSION['language'] is not available at the moment of call.

What version do you test? Last stable is 2.2.5.



(8 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Maybe you have something broken with session support on your hosting server. Maybe session caching directory is not writable? Try to play with session_save_path about line 156 in


Thanks wbaileynzl for words of appreciation.
Therefore I will close related mantis report.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Make the diff file between base 2.2.4 and your customized version, and try to apply to 2.2.5 source tree (with patch utility or manually if too much failures appear).


(19 replies, posted in Reporting)

Well, I don't know special requirements for your region, probably none of the fonts currently available on our site is suitable But if you want to have reports displayed in english regardless of user interface currently set, add following line in reporting/prn_redirect.php file  just after line containing include($path_to_root."includes/"):


Hope it helps.


(4 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

The default selected period is currently 1 month before current date. It could be shorter or longer depending on personal needs, but I see no obvious relation between the period we most often want inquiry bank account, and last statement used for reconciliation. But I can be wrong.

If you are EU citizen and you do not wish open source projects like FrontAccounting be blocked by patent law please consider signing petition to stop software patents in Europe:


(4 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

You can select reconciliation date with Bank Statement selector, or add new one in Reconcile Date field. Then after first reconciled payment the new date appears in BankStatement selector.


(19 replies, posted in Reporting)

You have to install dejavu fonts from our Downlad page.


(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

If you want to do it properly, you should first enter purchase order, than receive/invoice items  in Purchases modules before sale.


You can send code contributions to the address from Contact page of the site, or better directly to Tom to the address found on developer mailing list.

This is a bug. THanks for pointing out.


(13 replies, posted in Reporting)

Please update FA sources to just released 2.2.5 version (it has a couple of error handling fixes), and check whether you have no errors displayon System Diagnostics page.


Isn't this the issue reported on mantis [0000196] ? Look in the comments on mantis.

Could you check cost related fields in stock_master record for the service item under consideration?  They all should be zero. If not, probably service item cost is mistakenly updated somewhere in the code.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi/Cześć  Andy,

FrontAccounting follows general accounting rules common for all countries using double-entry bookkeeping. It means that no special local rules are implemented, so you will not find here e.g. such polish specifics like  'simplified accounting' (KPiR) related features. If in doubt consult your accountant. Anyway FA has open architecture, so having enough skills you can easily extend its functionality. Also a couple of different COA's are available so you can choose something as start point.



(13 replies, posted in Reporting)

Try switch js off in your browser and run the report while go_debug=1 or 0 in your config.php.
Hope it will show you exact error message.