
(7 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

This is right behaviour, at least for normal production flow ('Advanced Production' in FA). Voiding final products receival does not mean that also all material issues were entered mistakenly and should be returned to stock.


'This is not a bug, this is a feature' - The Big Bill said smile.

No, this is really right format for tax display when you have selected price list with tax included during invoice entry. If you would select tax added type pricelist, the tax is in line and added to net lines val as you have expected.



(5 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Oh, yes. You are right there was a bug in quantity input here. Fixed in main CVS. Thank you for the report.


(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

You have to code it in php, beginning from changes in db strcture. Beside this javascript calendar we use does not support time entry, so probably you should also find any other suitable and replace it in source. Big task.


(5 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Check how you have set thousands separator in Display Preferences. If this is the same as decimal separator, such strange behaviour can appear, not only in manufacturing..

Currently adding lines to recurrent invoices is imposiible because of way how reccurent invoices are maintained.

I'm not sure what functionality you mean by contracts in last paragraph.


If this is Debian based distribution, uncomment respective line in /etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen again. Then restart your www server.


(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Switch off 'Search customer list' in company setup. This option is for sites with long customer list, and not especially comfortable if you have  only a couple of customers..



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

We have decided to display all menu options regardless they are active or disabled. Hiding inactive menu options is bad practice leading to confusion. Inactive options are disabled anyway.

To remove whole manufacturing tab at all on the FA site you can comment out line 87 in frontacccounting.php file.



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Probably you have this new company marked as inactive.

Please send me details of required functionality and any other info regarding the service you need.



(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Nothing specific. Two main differences are access permissions control on file structures and internationalization support. Just after moving look on System Diagnostics page to be sure all is ok.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

PHP 5.3.0 is not fully supported as for now, so you can have some warnings in php log, but this should not hurt. Anyway mailing is done in FA via mail() builtin function, but connection to MTA and eventual problems with mail() function  contain some portion of mystery, seen even on php.net mail() manual pages smile.

FrontAccounting has implemented role based access system (access setup is disabled on our demo sites for obvious reasons).



(14 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I'm affraid not.  As for now the foreign codes are used only in sales entry.

Reference numbers can be reused when original payment is voided, so the first problem  should not appear. Voiding direct invoice is also possible, however you probably would like also void related  delivery and sales order auto generated, so there is a little more work to be done.
What is the problem with document date? It can be changed on entry as you wish, but not always once entered transaction can be changed date due to complex influence of generated postings.


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Thank you John. This is really encouraging smile.


(14 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

If you want to use the ISBN codes during sales order entry you can add them at Foreign Item codes page.


(13 replies, posted in Installation)

Main directory of FA have to be writable at the time of installation/upgrade, otherwise config file cannot be written and you end with above messages.
Do not ignore the checks displayed in red during install - you have to fix them before install.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

You should not to do upgrade manually. Just run upgrade process on Software Ugrade page under Setup tab, and all new tables will be created.


Well, interesting idea, however line total is still displayed excluding VAT/GST, so price*qty!=amount.

We have received it, thanks. We will look into it asap.


(10 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

We have no batch control in inventory yet, so we cannot track 'best before' dates I'm affraid as for now. If you want to implement it you have to design all the functionalities related to such feature, and code it in php together with needed  changes in db structure. If you have enough skills and want to start this implementation please subscribe to developers list and discuss the idea with rest of the team to obtain best results.


Sorry, I can't understand. What GL account content has to do with logging?


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

You said it was upgrade attempt, but nothing is changed in config_db.php during upgrade.On the other hand the file cited looks invalid - two companies has same credentials. Has it work before the upgrade?
