You mean prompt payment? There is no relation between SO and payment implemented in FA database, but you can easily add link to customer payments on final sales order screen in sales_order_entry.php, to speedup the navigation.


Recurrent invoices nor sales orders cannot be consolidated into batch invoice, just because any invoice can be generated only against delivery notes, not orders and not already issued (recurrent) invoices. It seems to be obvious.

Regarding selection of template to be used for recurrent invoicing, we should add order reference in the table. It is not here, just because it was added just in 2.2 release, and we forgot it.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

I think the best natural way is to use another specialized application to track project time, and invoice it periodically. Or even integrate it with FA if you have skills and time for this.

You will find the answer here:

Login page is not multilanguage,  default language is used here.


Tom was talking about having tables for osc and FA in the same database.
FA do support multiply companies in one MySQL.

The fix appeared simple, so it is already done in main CVS. The changed file is also attached to the mantis report, so you can also get it there.

Yes, this can be a problem. Please add the report to Mantis to be fixed asap.


(6 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The sales account in company setup is used only as defaults for new customer branches.
Sales is posted to gl account set up for customer branch, or if you have selected 'Use items sales accounts' option here - to the gl account set up for selected item. Purchase invoice is always posted to COGS account selected for item.

Therefore if you want to use sales posting to service or goods related accounts you have to set tem properly in items setup for every item, and use the option 'Use items sales accounts' for all customer branches.


First I have to say the attached file is complete.  Mentioned Setup string has hotkey set to letter e, so the exact form is 'S&etup'.

Different colors are for translated, non-translated, and fuzzy strings. 'Fuzzy' means that the translation was only guessed during new strings merge, so fuzzy translations in most cases needs manual corrections. Line numbers are simply references to source file where the string is used.
If you haven't system_diagnostics.php file you have incomplete, or outdated version of FA - it was added in version 2.2.2.

BTW You cannot attach it here. In fact the thread should be moved to to Translations forum, where you can attach files. You can also send the file to the contributions address found on Contact page.



(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

In case of really long list of inventory items it would be not usable again, so the  only somewhat universal ui control here seems to be select list.
I will look into sql ledger to look how it works


This is a problem. Maybe try in another way:
. change your user/password to some not using arabic characters, only english letters/digits
. upgrade to 2.2.6
. check if all works right including login on new user/password
. try change user/password to the old one and check again.

Hope it will help.

Yes, of course it is available since 2.0 or 2.1. You can try it by preparing a couple of delivery notes for some customer, than go to Sales/Invoice Against Sales Delivery, check all delivery to be invoiced and press Batch button.

Yes, if you are unsure the result translation should be distributed as es_GT. Anyway  I cannot judge about this as in spanish I know only two words, so it is up to you smile.

If you use some tool for translation like poedit the compilation of *.mo file is done on file save.


Ok. You mean the records generated in stock_movements during product receive. Yes, product itself is stamped with wo production type/no while raw material used with wo type/no. We cannot stamp this with wo issue, as during production no work_order_issues record is generated, only stock is directly updated. But I think raw material inventory adjustment record could (and in fact should) be stamped with wo production type/no (what is produced and what is used can be guessed from the sign of adjustment). I'm not sure about any possible side effects of the change, it should be thoroughly checked.



(6 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The account setup in sales categories is only default setup for items in given category. So when you add new item, and select some category for it, the accounts are set from category, but you are free to change them. We designed the categories this way to have more flexible setup.


(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, this should be considered a bug. Please add it to mantis.

Probably you have reset admin credentials. Login with user 'admin' and password 'password'.

I think it is impossible with current database structure, just because there is no direct relation between wo issue and wo production. The only linking transaction is work order, for which you can have  a couple of issues, and more than one production. We have implemented no item control which would be useful in this case.



(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

No. But if it is process made not often and the list is really big maybe it is worth to install import journal extension. Then you can code journal entries as CSV file and import them all  after checking.

Ok. Finally I have looked into the es_CL file and I have two news as usually. The bad news is that the translation is rather old so it does not have translation for current menu system as it is after hotkeys addition. The good one is that I have merged current string set with the old file, so you can continue translation smile.

Please check how the strings are translated in *.po files. Some time ago there was hotkeys system added to FA. If yo will find that menu option strings are marked as fuzzy, it means they were translated before the change, and not fixed later. You can fix this easily by looking into texts, adding '&' markup when needed and then generate *.mo files with msgfmt gettext utility. Then you can send fixed files to contributions mailbox found on our contact page, to be shared with other users.



(7 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

There are 3 types of production implemented in FA, and seems you are right when we are talking about voiding Assemly or Deassembly type work order. Seems the voiding code in was not finished by original author at this point. Strange that nobody pointed out this issue before.
Unfortunately we are currently busy so maybe the best would be add this issue to our Mantis system, just to have it queued for fixing. Could you place the bug report there? Thank you anyway smile.


Thanks for your explanation. It is very clear and helpful. Maybe we should consider implementation of such general idea of contract based on current implementation of sales order. Just to have implemented catalog of contractors.

In fact we have currently implemented batch invoices which do most what you want, I think. Sales order is created on customer demand, then when the work is finished (e.g. some maintenance on client website is done) delivery note should be created (even if there is no physical delivery done). At the end of invoicing period you can make single invoice against a couple of jobs done (deliveries) for given customer.

If you think current implementation of batch invoices is not satisfactory (e.g. because we have only recurrent invoices, not deliveries) I would suggest to  put your idea on separated Wiki page linked to future development page, just to not forget it.


Thanks  in advance smile.

Look into Sales Types page. Sales Type is synonym for price list in FA.