
(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks for pointing this out. Please add the bug report to Mantis as we have no time currently to fix it instantly.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Mysql version 6 is alpha release and is not supported by FrontAccounting. NB 6th branch of MySQL seems to be development cul de sac, so you'd better downgrade to MySQL 5.x


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

Uploaded csv file is stored in temporary file. Do you have C:\tmp\phpUpload directory created?


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

I think you would like to talk with author of the extension. You should  find contact to him in documentation file bundled with the module. Unfortunately I have never used this extension, so I can't help you.



(2 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thank you very much. Every contribution is really appreciated, especially documentation of FrontAccounting which is still very incomplete.

Probably you have set 'Manufactured' type on this item. Manufactured items are produced inside company, so they do not appear in item selector in PO.

But anyway reference should be unique in database, even in case of timeouts/multiply entry. Strange.

Yes, of course you are right. add_access_extensions() have to be called inside extension files to have security areas maintained by core source code. This way module access areas does not interfere with core nor any other module security areas. Thanks for information that you have found a problem.


Seems you have  found a bug. I guess it is related to mixed signed/unsigned logic used in access functions, and will be fixed asap. In mean time you can use 100 instead 201 as base for security area codes, which should omit the problem for now.
Thank you for all your effort to investigate the problem.

No, the compressing function works just right, because in the algorithm  all literal strings (in single or double quotes) are temporary superseded by markers  before removing comments, then the strings are restored.

Therefore if you have any problem here, this is probably due to your customizations. Just look into our 2.2.8 demo server which simply works as it should.


(11 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

No, this is not implemented so far.

Yes, and yes.
The easiest way for checking FA functionality is just using it, if not localy the on demo server.

Just a nonsense.

If you think you have found a bug do not give advice to other users how to hide the problem, but please explain what is the problem instead.


Please update your FA sources. This issue is fixed in current stable  2.2.8 release.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I'm not accountant, by for me crediting seems to be good solution. Plus placing the customer account on hold smile.


(6 replies, posted in Translations)

Strange, but maybe your shared server was temporary overloaded. Try again.

If you want to install the language files manually you have to update also lang/installed_languages.inc  file.


Sales Invoice and Receipt.

Just to be sure: You have multiply invoices with the same reference number, and none of them is voided or has 'auto' reference or were entered via import from external file? The same in receipt?
FA checks for  uniqueness of references between all documents of the same type, but you can have the same reference for 1 invoice and 1 receipt.


Really. What kind of transactions has non-unique references?


(10 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

No problem, login fixed. Look into your mailbox at munchuponatime.com, I have sent you a post related to the subject.


(7 replies, posted in Dimensions)

This is timeout mark. It means ajax call failed due to some error on server side, or simply due to too slow server response.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Allocation is simple process. If you have already entered some sales invoices with delayed payment, you can entry payment with allocation in single step by selecting allocated to invoices on Customer Payment page. If you received prepayment from customer you can go Allocate Customer Payments, select needed payment and you will have all invoices already allocated to this payment displayed together with all not allocated at all. Select the right set of invoices to be allocated then press Process button. That'sall.

FA has built in reference control, so non-unique reference should be blocked. How your clerk afforded to do it?


(10 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Thanks for nice words. Currently nothing is really scheduled regarding batch control implementation, and there is no workaround as far as  I know. Batch control features are not always necessary, but the implementation is a big task, so it was not started yet.

(NB next version to be released in June is 2.3, not 3.0).


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

You can eventually upload any chart of accounts you want to use into company/0/backup folder, and restore database form it.The effect is exactly as using the selected COA during installation. But any other configurations like users creation you have to do anyway.



(2 replies, posted in Translations)

What FA version are you using? We haven't received newer nl_NL.po file than those available on sf.net download page, and even those one is in fact automatically merged from some previous version (55% done). In FA 2.2 hotkeys system appeared which requires corrections in all menu options titles. This was not done in the po file for FA2.2.1 so, probably this is the reason why big part of it is fuzzy/not translated.

BTW. If you want to update the nl_NL.po file, please get as a base empty.po available in CVS unstable and merge it with your latest version. We want to release FA 2.3 in June.
