
(7 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Joe has made fixes in excel reporting in 2.2.10. Have you this (or newer) version installed?

PS Joe is running FA on Win.

thhui wrote:

Voiding transactions are secure and easy to maintain.
However, its reference number should be retained for the user.

This has been fixed in 2.3beta

Either, the report should have nothing in relation to voided transactions just for security.

Or would it be simpler to have a choice not to display the voided transactions altogether in any report - just for beauty, simplicity and clarity.

This option in config.php is added in 2.2.11 release.



(22 replies, posted in Setup)

I have not found any real issue here. The only constraint is that before deleting some fiscal year all preceding year should be deleted. And before deleting you always have to close the year.



(7 replies, posted in Dimensions)

FA can use up to two category of dimensions (dim1, dim2), but inside them you can define as much dimensions as you wish .


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I guess you have found it in new 2.3beta version? Thanks. Will be fixed in 2.3RC1.


(40 replies, posted in Translations)

Thanks Tihomir.


(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

Please report the issue on mantis bugtracker, to not lose this error report. Thanks in advance.


Inventory control is not used for 'service' type items. The same is with COGS account - services have no direct standard costs.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Branch related sales account is used, unless it set to 'Use item sales accounts' special option.


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

No, you should allocate prepayments to later received purchase invoices.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Please upgrade sources to latest 2.2.11 (no db upgrade is needed). We have no resources to provide help or other support for outdated versions.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Joe is out of office for next 2 weeks. I'm also a little confused - version 2.0 is obsolete since at least March 2009.



This _is_ OS related problem. I can use linux google-chrome version on nonstandard ports without any problems, while you have problems with the same browser in Win environment. Of course we can consider FA buggy when it behave buggy in any popular environment or browser, but I can't fix on my box for reason explained above.

Moreover after short investigation I have to say that in any place during ajax call no modification is done to page URL, but IE/chrome claims about different ports. This is probably because of some nuance of xmlactivex implementation in Win or something like this. JsHttpRequest library knows about the requirement, and does not change http port number at all.

Answering to your question: no, url is not stored anywhere, it is retrieved from <form> action  on the page, and this is always the same page address.


So we have to wait for Joe's return from holidays. I can't help more as under linux google chrome works right, just like Firefox on both win and linux systems. I have no access to any Win system.


Seems this is some IE issue, maybe related to the fact that your server make use of non standard port 180. Please try change 'top' to 'window' in line 743 of /js/JsHttpRequest.js to have following line:

   window.JsHttpRequestGlobal = JsHttpRequest;


First try the same tests with the same browser on our demo site. If you will find that the problems appear also here, you are sure this is some browser type related problem. Otherwise you will have to find what is wrong with server side configuration. I'm not sure  but I guess you are using some of famous M$ products. IE is well known as source of various kind of problems.

FA does not use Java but javascript only. Those are two completely different languages. You can trace javascript execution on browser using debugging tools like Firebug for Firefox. You can first look into javascript error console, which is standard part of Firefox. If you are using other type of browser like IE I cannot help, as I use only Firefox.

The locales are important on linux, if you are using Win based server you can safely ignore locales related messages.


System Diagnostic page is available under Setup tab. Here you can check some important system parameters and whether the settings are correct or not. This is first step you should do in case of any strange problems.

I have no idea why just only Items page does not work for you - there is nothing special which differ this page from any other one. And this page works just fine on properly installed system (see e.g. demo). Maybe you have broken inventory/manage/items.php script file?


Hello Gaston,
Have you looked into System Daignostic page, and FAQ section 0.2? Especially try run FA without javascript (fallback mode), to eventually see any error messages which otherwise could be hidden during ajax calls.


(4 replies, posted in Announcements)

Today FrontAccounting version 2.3 beta has been released and is available for downlowad on our sourceforge project page. New release contains a bunch of new functionalities and improvements listed below, but keep in mind this is still beta release not recomended for use in production environment.
Nevertheless every FA user which want to use FrontAccounting in a future is strongly encouraged to download and test it now with special attention placed on upgrade routines. Any found bugs, problems and inconsistencies can be reported to our Mantis bugtracking system
This version does not include new extension packages system which will be released with 2.3RC version, together with a couple of currently available themes/extensions. Old extension modules/plugins available from our download areas can or cannot work with just released 2.3beta version.

News in FrontAccounting 2.3 Beta
- Include freight_cost in Sales Quotations, Orders in inquiries.
- Full support for items with editable descriptions in sales documents
- Sales terms selectable on order/invoice basis, default terms retrieved from customer record.
- Added multiply categorized customer/branch contacts in separate table,
  per contact report language selection
- Added customer document language selection
- Option to print Delivery Note as Packing Slip (without price details)..
- Changed so reference no in QUOTE/SO/INV/CRE is printed instead of trans_no
  if global variable in config.php, $print_invoice_no = 0 (default).
- Changed voiding of Direct Invoice to automatically void 'auto' delivery
  and set SO quantity and qty_sent to 0.
- Added an alternative way of presenting tax included on invoices.
  This is done by setting a global variabel $alternative_tax_include_on_docs = 1.
- Option to suppress tax rates on documents. To be used for tax on tax
  The tax % should be included in the tax name and the calculated
  rate be set as the rate. $suppress_tax_rates in config.php set to 1.
- Added Direct GRN and Direct Invoice in purchases module
- Multiply order items with the same stock_id (with warning), code cleanups
- Changed so reference no in PO is printed instead of trans_no
  if global variable in config.php, $print_invoice_no = 0 (default).
- Added multiply categorized supplier contacts in separate table,
  per contact report language selection
- Added supplier document language selection
- Changed Outstanding GRN Report to use Actual Price instead of Std Cost.

Items and Inventory
- Changed so also Item Adjustment and Cost Update allow more than 2 dec in price
- Changed so 'Allow Negative Stock' will update the GL cogs/inventory when
  the correct values later are obtained.

- Included dimension(s) in Bank Deposit/Payment View and correct signs.

Banking and General Ledger
- Added a Profit and Loss Drilldown page and changed menu link
- Allowing modifying of Bank Payments/Deposits
- Added Account tags selection in Annual Expense Breakdown, Balanse Sheet
  and Profit and Loss Sheet
- Added option for Manual Revaluation of Currency Accounts
- Allowing the Tax Report to be printed to Excel/OO Calc
- Changed report Annual Expense Breakdown to follow the fiscal year instead of
  calendar year. The year selector selects the start of the fiscal year.
  Only the last 12 months are shown.
- Added amount range in GL inquires.
- Enhanced Quick Entries to also support Balance Based source amount. Monthly or Yearly (all)
  Only works with type Journal Entry.
- Extended account id's to 15 chars. Changed account type to varchar(10)
  and class id varchar(3). Ability to change account groups online.
- Added a selector for decimal values in Balance Sheet and P/L Statement
- Allowing SA_MULTIFISCALYEAR access to enter transactions on open fiscal years

- Allow reuse of references previously used on voided transactions
- Unaccessible menu options are now displayed as grey text.
- Changed context help organization to enable use of central multilanguage wiki.
- Enabled use of externally defined report headers/layouts in php and/or pdf form.
- Added 'View Attachments' if any in all popup view windows
- Added a date column and combined the # and View column in 'View / Print Transactions.
- Changed Voiding Transaction to also include a pager.
- Prepared the Report Engine for Tags handling.
- Reorganized payment terms editor
- Added integration of custom and extended reports into reporting module
- Added discrete users online in footer (from Wish List Forum).
- Changed $date_system value of 3 to be traditional, but non-workday is Friday
  and start of week is Saturday. For DatePicker.
- Changed access control extensions support for modules/plugins to use unique extension ids
- Themes are now all CSS based.
- Optional displaying all sql queries in footer for debugging purposes
- Heaps of other minor improvements
- All bugs up to release 2.2.11 fixed


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

No. You always have to issue invoice on all goods sold, so prepayment changes nothing here.
Currently there is no way to take into account prepayments during direct invoice allocation. However this situation can change in the future.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I don't understand what problem you have. If you want to sell something with zero price, simply change the price to 0 in price field before you press Add Item. If unsure-  test the process on our demo.


(16 replies, posted in Setup)

You will find information about this here


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I think you have missed something important when manually deleting 'non critical' insert lines. Maybe you have no POS defined or location for te POS is not 'OFI' but 'DEF' or something else?


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

You have improperly installed php, or php related configuration of your www server is invalid.


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I cannot reproduce the problem. Can you?