The GLpostings are always done in your home currency, so for deliveries in other currencies the GL value is not the same as amount on source document.



(27 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Hi guys,

FA development team is reading this interesting discussion, and we have to agree the both cash/acrual methods for VAT payments should be implemented in FA. Unfortunately this is complex matter (for example there are also 'mixed' models where some costs have to be registered for tax purposes with cash method, while whole accounting is done in accrual model) so finding the best way of implementation (satisfactory for most FA users) can take some time.


I have two news Alvin. Bad news is that code above cannot be used directly to display taxes. The good one is that tax for SO/SQ will be displayed in FA since FA 2.3rc version.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Providing your old database use 0_ prefix you can also:
. install FA from scratch with new database;
. copy backup file you have created to company/0/baclups directory;
. login, go to Backup and Restore, select the backupfile and restore it.



(3 replies, posted in Installation)

No idea where is the source of problem, but if you just cannot login because of lost/changed password, you can (using phpmyadmin) update it with the standard one ('password')  found in sql/en_US.sql  file.


(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

If you are new to FA please read our FAQ, with special attention to point 2.1.

There are a couple of advantages of MyISAM engine, which is not available in innoDB (e.g. full text search) To find the differences you can find various comparision articles on internet. InnoDB is not universal choice, however we still consider switching all tables to to this engine. As for now we can live without the change, and until we have foreign key constraints implemented in FA database, the switch is not necessary.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Yes, there is a couple of other prepacked  php+www+mysql systems, but XAMPP should also work without problems. Please look into FA FAQ to find what you can do in  case of strange application behaviour.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

I don't know such setting.

Does anybody here know how to reproduce the problem?


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

... so revise again all changes you have done in reports.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

There can be delays when you have automatic update of currency rate set and no connection to internet. Please go directly to Bank & General Ledger/Currencies page and switch off auto update options for all currencies.


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

Please add following line to locale-gen file:
  es_CL.ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-1
and rerun:
then restart www server.

FrontAccounting use es_CL.ISO-8859-1 locale just because I'm not sure whether es_CL is always iso-8859-1 encoded (as in Debian), or sometimes it is utf-8.

You will find answer to your question looking into Setup/System Diagnostics page.

Has been fixed in CVS unstable. Fixed file is attached to mantis report.
And yes, mantis is the best place for bug reports, however we cannot guarantee all problems are fixed in 24 hours.

You have entered exchange rate with too little decimal places, so you encountered rounding problems. Please set it to 9 in display setup and all is calculated right.

Anyway we have to improve  exrate entry form for currencies with low value.

Thanks for pointing the problem out.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Sorry, I can't reproduce the issue. Tax printed on invoice is probably one of not so many common requirements of various fiscal authorities. This is the case both in Holland and Poland wink.
What FA version do you have? Have you introduced any changes in reports, or database ?


(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I think it depends on how detailed view you want to have (more accounts means more detailed costs analysis you can do). Also maybe some fiscal authorities requirements should be taken into consideration.
But if you don't care about the exact sources of costs you can post them to single expenses account. It is up to you.

Thanks Hameed. We are in touch.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Maybe your customer is in tax group with no tax rate set?


(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Yes, you can why not? You should set item's type to 'Service' and set c.o.g.s. account to  'Expenses'. That's all.

Thank you lmn. We are in touch by email.

Many thanks e-prast,

Both fr_FR and id_ID has been added to CVS.

For forthgoing 2.3RC1 FrontAccounting release we have just implemented new, improved installation wizard. During installation process user can select and automatically download any number of charts of accounts and languages directly from our central repository of FA extensions.

The wizard itself has also built-in  multilanguage support, but without translation files it is worthless. We are looking for volunteer translators of messages for the new installer. More details you will find in this thread on translations forum.

Thank you very much Gaston smile.
Please send it directly to me or to contributions address found on our contact page.

We are looking for volunteer translators of messages for new installer which will be available since Froontaccounting 2.3RC1 release. The installation wizard has implemented multilanguage support, but to use it we need help from community.

The translation process is easy and can be done with any texteditor, or with specialized tool like POedit. The attached messages file contains 103 messages to be translated, and whole process should not take more than 30min to one hour.

We are especially interested in following (or similar) language versions:
* bulgarian (bg_BG)
* hungarian (hu_HU)
* russian (ru_RU)
* bosnian (sh_BA),
* chinese traditional  (zh_TW)

We have already done following translations:
* arabic (ar_EG)  - done by Hameed
* chinese simplified (zn_CN) - done by Scott
* danish (da_DK) - done by Joe Hunt
* dutch (nl_NL) - done by MorkvonOrk
* french (fr_FR) - done by Gaston Huot
* georgian (ka_GE) - done by Giorgi Natsvlishvili
* german (de_DE) - done by
* greek (el_GR) - done by Kyriakos Tsoukalas
* indonesian (id_ID) - done by e-prast
* italiano (it_IT) - done by Paolo Ardoino
* polish (pl_PL)  - done by Janusz Dobrowolski
* portuguese (pt_BR) - done by InterConnect Brasil
* spanich (es_MX) - done by Julio C.Perea Pastrana
* swedish (sv_SE) - done by Joe Hunt

Following versions are work in progress:
- none -

Any other translations are also welcome.
If you are interested to support FrontAccounting project this way, please let us know posting to this thread.

Thank you very much in advance.