Topic: Set languaje in Debian Squeeze

I install Frontaccounting from Debian Squeeze repository by APT. The version is  2.2.10-1. I've tried lots of things in order to set one spanish translation. Gettext is installed, I changed the system's locales to match with es_CL (the translation I've been trying). But english lang never change. Of course, I set spanish as default one in Display Setup section.
I really would appreciate some direction!

Re: Set languaje in Debian Squeeze

Please add following line to locale-gen file:
  es_CL.ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-1
and rerun:
then restart www server.

FrontAccounting use es_CL.ISO-8859-1 locale just because I'm not sure whether es_CL is always iso-8859-1 encoded (as in Debian), or sometimes it is utf-8.