
(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

I think you should look into server and/or application  logs to find what is the reason of failure.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Yes, sure. Will be fixed in 2.3.1.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

No, I don't think so. But the problem can arise when nonstandard theme is set for some user in database, and the database is used on new installation, where the theme does not exists. If you still have access to admin account of first company you can simply install nonstandard themes from repository, and after this all accounts should work.



(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Maybe the you have too low value set for max_execution_time parameter in php.ini?


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Please upgrade your installation to stable version 2.3.0. It is available on SF.net since yesterday.

In case of 2.3RC3=>2.3.0 update simple copy of new scripts to old installation just should work.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I don't know what is current state of the mentioned project, but as far as I remember it was similar in design to FA. I would start by looking into database structure to find how it fit your requirements, make a list of desired features, consult the ideas on developers mailing list and finally rewrite the interface using FA framework. The Payroll seems to be simple enough to use such approach, in contrast to other more complex projects.


Please read FrontAccounting FAQ. You will find a couple of interesting answers there (also for your question).



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

I guess this subject is good cadidate on bug report on mantis.


(9 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Sorry, I do not understand what do you want to change Eglis.

I' don't know what are you talking about. The code fragment you have attached make use of mysqli database API which is not used in FA distribution. And yes, there were huge changes throughout FA code between 2.2 and 2.3 releases.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Attachments in FrontAccounting are served to user using the same application/octet-stream mime type, regardless of file type.


(14 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

This is really good  start point to implement full soap API for FrontAccounting, thank you Gareth. We will put it with your permission also on our download page. I hope somebody over there will be interested in making it more complete, then we can make it available also from our repo as extension module smile.



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

TCPDF class used in FA does not support PostScript, but just PDF, so we cannot select the PS output format. This coversion is normally done on printer server side which is normally connected to local network with LPD protocol. I haven't know that HP net printers support FTP protocol form the box, do they?



(35 replies, posted in Translations)

nl_NL translation was made long time ago and automatically imported to 2.3 version, so there can be some mistakes. If you wish contribute some effort  to FA project you can edit nl_NL.po file and send us the result, than we can provide it for all user via FrontAccounting  repository.
Thanks in advance


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, it is. You can edit invoices via customer transaction inquiry, or delete (void) them  via setup/void transaction interface.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

This message is displayed when some database scheme changes planned for this release are already found in db. This message can appear when user has done partial update to some early CVS version before upgrade to 2.3RC, but should not appear for clean upgrade from 2.2.x to 2.3RC.
There were a lot of database scheme changes between 2.2 and 2.3 versions, but  4  things are tested on Upgrade Software page and are considered as upgrade milestones. Those are:
. type, id  key  on comments table
. sys_pref table
. sales_order.payment_terms field
. purch_order.tax_included field

If some of those changes exists (but not all) the database is considered as partially upgraded and need manual intervention.

You will find list of all changes mades during software upgrade in:
. alter2.3.sql
. alter2.3rc.slq
. alter2.3.php contains code which cannot be easily performed via simple sql queries.

Hope it helps.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

When FA tax system is right configured it should be no problem with purchase invoice entry. VAT based tax systems are simple enough to enable automatic tax calculation without need for additional tax edition fields in entry form. Tax editable fields would lower entry performance and would give additional risk for entry errors.

Regarding rounding errors: in VAT based tax system there are only two ways of tax calculations: you can calculate tax from brutto price (i.e. price including VAT) or calculate it from net price. Both types of calculations are supported in FA by selecting supplier pricelist type, so no rounding errors (or differences between supplier document and FA entry)  should appear when right method is selected.

When you do not need full inventory control on all items, you can define a couple of 'service' type items with editable description. This way you can make use of FA tax system, while no constraints and administrative burden is introduced, just because stock quantity control is switched off for service items, and editable description enables single definition reuse for various real items.

On the other hand old type purchase invoice user interface containing GL lines is still supported in FA, just because it is mature, and we do not want completely switch to the new one until we are sure all problems solved by additional  GL lines can be solved by proper FA configuration.

Last but not least generic journal entry interface can be used to entry purchases in those rare cases (if any), when normal purchase interface is not flexible enough.

So as you see we have in fact three methods of purchase entry in FA. For the reasons explained above we will not complicate user interface adding special tax input fields.
First thing which you should do to successfully use FA is to read, understand and configure your tax system. This is explained on wiki and in a couple of other tax related threads on forum. Without this you can have tax calculation problems not only in purchase but also in sales module.


FrontAccounting have not special support for personal taxes, so you will have to entry the taxes manually when you are posting salaries via Journal Entry. If you are not sure how to do it, you should consult your local accountant - we have no knowledge about Indian Income Tax Act rules.



(13 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Extension manual for FA 2.3 is not written yet. In mean time you should look into includes/hook.inc file to find how the extension is integrated with core sources.
In short words:
. create unique folder under /modules and place here all the extension scripts,
. create /modules/xxxx/hooks.php connector file containing extension hook class definition which extends hooks class found in hooks.inc;
. write all hooks_xxx class methods you need to be used in core FA code (especially install_options);
. install and activate extension under Setup - Install/Activate Extensions.


What is information about locales on Setup/System Diagnostics page ?



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This is really strange, I have found nothing suspicious in related code. Please make dump of your database and check whether stock_category is really empty.

Change your hosting provider, as probably this one does not support Dutch locales. Or ask them  to install nl_BE locales on server you are using.


First company admin account is considered inside FA as site admin company, so a couple of options are available only for admin of really first company. One of those options is creating new companies. But for tax groups this is not the case. Go to the Access Setup and switch related option on, then set all the missing setting in order.


. No upgrade is necessary when moving from 2.2.8 to 2.2.11 beside coying source files;
. Go to the POS setup and set both 'Allowed' options to on;
. Setup/Company Setup/Search Customer List  - set to off;