Topic: Cannot enter a direct invoice 2.3RC3
I have set up a number of test companies using separate databases. I want to enter a supplier's invoice. I do not know if relevant, but this is a non-stock transaction.
The company I have set up as a default seems ok. If I go into a company from which I can not create other companies (the company that is not the main one), I can not enter a direct invoice. When I click on Direct Invoice I get the message:
There are no suppliers defined in the system.
If I go to set up a supplier, I get the message:
There are no tax groups defined in the system. At least one tax group is required before proceeding.
If I go to set up a tax group on the setup tab the option is greyed (as is Create/Update Companies etc.)
The upshot is that I cannot enter an invoice.
I should add that I am logged in as FA2.1 System Administrator and this happens on all the non-main companies I have.
Sorry if I am being stupid...