1 (edited by rtX 11/23/2010 05:14:18 pm)

Topic: Cannot enter a direct invoice 2.3RC3

I have set up a number of test companies using separate databases.  I want to enter a supplier's invoice.  I do not know if relevant, but this is a non-stock transaction.

The company I have set up as a default seems ok.  If I go into a company from which I can not create other companies (the company that is not the main one), I can not enter a direct invoice. When I click on Direct Invoice I get the message:
There are no suppliers defined in the system.

If I go to set up a supplier, I get the message:
There are no tax groups defined in the system. At least one tax group is required before proceeding.

If I go to set up a tax group on the setup tab the option is greyed (as is Create/Update Companies etc.)

The upshot is that I cannot enter an invoice.

I should add that I am logged in as FA2.1 System Administrator and this happens on all the non-main companies I have.

Sorry if I am being stupid...

Re: Cannot enter a direct invoice 2.3RC3

First company admin account is considered inside FA as site admin company, so a couple of options are available only for admin of really first company. One of those options is creating new companies. But for tax groups this is not the case. Go to the Access Setup and switch related option on, then set all the missing setting in order.
