
(14 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The foreign codes are simply aliases for company item code.Foreign item codes has been introduced to enable EAN codes instead of internal codes during counter sale. This is auxiliary numbering which is less useful on purchase side, where purchase staff use company item codes, which eventually should be translated to supplier codes (this is not implemented yet).

Really I don't know what can be a problem here. Do you use only latin chars in login/password, or also some utf8/georgian accented letters ? Maybe this is some problem with encoding used on login screen?



(9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

All the changes between RC2 and RC3 you will find in Changelog.txt file. Sorry, I cannot reproduce the problem with GL accounts edition. Moreover there is nothing special on this screen comparing to other edition interfaces.

Seems all your created items are defined as manufactured goods, so they are not purchasable.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

Look into Setup/System Diagnostics page to know whether your server supports nl_BE locale or not.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

While we have no RSS source on our web page you can attach to any of our forums e.g. Announcements. RSS feed address for forums is: https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/extern.php, and here you will find some instructions:



(6 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi Frank,
I couldn't find the problem on my linux box, but Joe (who use Win) just have solved the problem. Please supersede the inlcudes/packages.inc file with the one downloaded from our CVS, or place following line just after remote_url.in inclusion in packages.inc.:


Or do not install any additional packages in wizard:  you can do it later after installation.


Jori, please let me know what is the problem with MySQL. While I personally use only unix-like systems, Joe really does all the development and testing works under Windows without any problem. Could you send me some link to the bug report still ignored by MySQL team?

As I have stated before, porting FA from MySQL to any other database engine is NOT trivial work. We have done our best to make it easier - all db-related instructions (beside install wizard) are moved  to single file, so only thing which any volunteer have to do is "just" change this file to use mssql, run FA using mssql and fix a couple of found problems. I would like to say good luck, but nobody determined enough to continue have not appeared so far.
Or I have missed any brave heart over there wink ?



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, it would be great to have all this explained in Wiki. Regarding dimensions I'm not especiall familiar with the idea, so I can't elp, but this feature is descried in a couple of posts on dimensions forum.



(9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Probably you have some local problem with installed files. All works right in 2.3.0 - you can check on next.frontaccounting.eu demo. Please download and install latest tarball from sourceforge.net to be sure.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Please download latest 2.3.0a tarball from Sourceforge .net

Regarding direct invoice voiding this is consistent with the way how invoice is voided in sales module, but maybe this should be changed to make user's life easier. The other things you have described should be considered as a bug, so please report them on Mantis.

No, finally it was not introduced in 2.3 due to lack of resources, but I have just filled related  report on Mantis, to investigate the preposition it in near future.


(2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Look into includes/sysnames.inc. Here you will find two tables at the top: one with transaction names, the other with shortcuts. You can try to mangle with the names here, however it can have side effects like having 'SI' instead of  'Sales Invoice' also in printed document smile.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

The error messages  are because of some weird server setup. Not allowing to use putenv() is a little paranoid. If you want to know more about the problem with white screen on you box, set go_debug to 1 in config.php, tehn error reporting is switched on.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Customer deposits should be entred via Customer Payment in Sales module, but if you have used right customer selector in Deposits under GL it also should work. Credit Notes can be entered with no relation to any Sales Invoice via CustomerCredit Note, or against invoice selected in Customer Transactions Inquiry.

Once you have Invoice entered you can allocate any previous payment or credit note via Customer Allocation Inquiry.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

The reason is definitely on server settings side. But were the dot you mention about is added? Maybe you have some invalid  mod_rewrite settings in apache2.conf ?



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Your problem is probably related to invalid session handling on your server host. Try to set explicit save_path directory uncommenting line 196 in session.inc. An yes, the problem is not related to commented out setenv() calls, however this can disable language switching in your application providing you  are using MS Win system.


Unfortunately we have introduced this bug during last fixes before 2.3.0 release. Please download changed file from Mantis. It is attached to bug report 0000318.


Unfortunately we have introduced this bug during last fixes before 2.3.0 release. Please download changed file from Mantis. It is attached to bug report 0000318.


You can fix selector width changing max-width setting for select in default.css file in theme used. The list width is in most cases some compromise between readability and proper screen layout in various resolutions.


BTW. Probably your company should look for new person responsible for IT policy wink.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, there was huge changes in this matter. Now to install extensions you have to create hooks connector class derived from 'hooks' class found in includes/hooks.inc. All needed integration hooks should be defined here.

Unfortunately I have not found time to write documentation nor example implementation for new extensions system. I promiss to do it asap smile. In meantime you can read comments in hooks.inc which explain most details of new integration scheme.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Ernie, registration system on mantis works just right (tested a couple of days ago), the problem is probably in invalid antispam settings on your box, or rather at you mail services provider. Please try another mail  to activate your mantis account, you can correct the address in account settings later.

Really good idea to be included in FA2.4

Manufacturing module in FA is rather simple, and in fact full manufacturing chain implementation needs all the module rewrite. If you have also experience with databases feel free to start the work by redesign the FA database area  related to manufacturing.
