1 (edited by ferre 12/18/2010 09:43:52 pm)

Topic: void a transaction - direct invoice - PO not voided

I'm not sure, but if I remember right, in the prior versions, if I voided a direct invoice, the PO and the delivery was also voided.

To void the direct invoice was working.
The PO and the delivery now are still in the books.

To void a PO is not working -->
Void a Transaction - PO
DATABASE ERROR : Error reading record set
error code : 1064
error message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' t.order_no) FROM 6_purch_orders t LEFT JOIN 6_voided v ON t.order_no=v.id AND v' at line 1
sql that failed was : SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t., t.order_no) FROM 6_purch_orders t LEFT JOIN 6_voided v ON t.order_no=v.id AND v.type=18 WHERE (ISNULL(v.`memo_`))

I could only remove:
Via "enter supplier invoice", and then "remove" each line.

Is this behaviour normal?
For me should be logic, if I void a direct invoice, everything will be voided, but maybe I'm wrong.

And if a PO could not be voided via "void a transaction", why "PO" is listed in the drop-down list?


Re: void a transaction - direct invoice - PO not voided

Regarding direct invoice voiding this is consistent with the way how invoice is voided in sales module, but maybe this should be changed to make user's life easier. The other things you have described should be considered as a bug, so please report them on Mantis.

Re: void a transaction - direct invoice - PO not voided

This bug was fixed in CVS, also all not supported transactions were removed from the selector. Changes will be included in 2.3.1