(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Tax functions are in tax/tax_calc.php, but tax rates are calculated in FA from net value up, so you have to use (0.5/(100-0.5))% rate value instead of 0.5%.

No, unfortunatelly there is no central point for cost calculations in FA for now. If you are determined to improve this part of application please do not hesitate to join developers mailing list. This is best place for sharing new development ideas, you can also ask other active developers about FA internals if you are not sure about some design aspects.



(1 replies, posted in Translations)

Starting with next major release FrontAccounting will have better support for multilanguage databases. Please be patient.

Looking into other your posts, seems you are trying to remove all the databse content.  Maybe you should just reinstall database from scratch?

You can inactivate the item, but stil it have to be in database.

The two order documents are not directly related, so you can delete them in any order (providing there was no delivery done on them).

I guess this is some packaging problem, so maybe you should report the problem to Debian team?


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

No, FrontAccounting have to be installed on central server.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

A couple of FA functions (like installing modules)  is reserved for site admin. Admin user on first created company i considered site admin, so those functions are not available on other companies.

Every company has its own set of registered users, so you cannot use user account created for first company on others.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

For some reason you have 'fl_' prefix used on your database tables, which can be not supported by extension modules. Normal FA setup supports numeric (e.g. 0_) or empty prefix only.

Sure, please send the files to contributions mailbox. I will look into them in mean time, maybe we can integrate it as an option in any of next releases.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Oh, yes. Seems this is small inconsistency. To be fixed in next release. In meantime you can just change at security code at applications/setup.php:62 from 'SA_OPEN' TO 'SA_SOFTWAREUPGRADE'.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Also if your current document number is FV 0012/2012 the next number generated will be FV 0013/2012. Just first digital part is subject to incrementation (preserving leading the part length with leading zeros).

Please test the latest FA release. This issue should be fixed now. If not, please contact me and we can continue debugging.



(6 replies, posted in Reporting)

You should change line 105 of doctext.inc to something like:

$this->title = $this->formData['tax_id'] ? _("VAT INVOICE") : _("INVOICE");



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

We prefer to display also inactive menu options, just to make easier admin's decision which option should be switched on/off for which role.

If you wish you can also just comment out the respective line in applications/setup.php.


Sledge, sorry for long delay, seems I have overlooked the thread is still alive.
Seems my patch was buggy - sorry, I have no possibility to test FA on the box without gettext installed, so you will have to wait a little for final solution. In mean time you can eventually try to install native gettext system which should definitely solve the problem (see http://pl.php.net/manual/en/gettext.installation.php).


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Yes, you can. If you want install FA on Win just load some distribution of bundled Apache+PHP+ MySQLe.g WAMP and install it. On Linux you will need to install also the same packages. Download  latest  FA version, unpack it under www root and direct your browser to index.php file in frontaccounting diectory. Follow  installer instructions.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Are you sure you have read FAQ, especially point 2.1?

This constraint has been introduced long time ago, and there are good reasons for this.
GL postings to bank related accounts can be done also via Journal Entry menu option. For each such GL posting bank transaction have to be generated in background to preserve bank report consistency. This is possible only if every bank account use separate GL account.


(11 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I cannot reproduce your problem, so I cannot help, sorry.

The only check done during cash account payment entry is made on account history starting from the date entered for the payment. If you have current FA version (2.3.9) all should just work.


(35 replies, posted in Translations)

Please look at your mailbox. You should receive patched file which solving the big session files problem.
Please test it and report whether the patch works for you or not.


(35 replies, posted in Translations)

The nl_NL translation just has been updated in repo. Thanks.


(11 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I'm not sure whether this is apprioprate explanation for your case, but keep in mind that all the account history after and including the date of payment is considered during the check. For example you could have cash balance on January 1st at $10.000 level, and if today you have only $10, you cannot register e.g. $57 payment made on 5th January as this would result in -$47 balance as today. This constraint is effective only for cash accounts of course.


sys_types.type_no was next number for given document type. AFAIK Currently it is not used at all.
sales_orders.type ==1 for template sales orders.