Topic: Clients keep getting deleted or go missing

I am just starting with FA and started putting in some test data to get a feel for how everything is connected together.  I have created clients several times but I keep going back to make a quote and it tells me there are no clients listed.  Right after I create a client I can do a quote but the next day or even later that day I try and my clients have dissapeared.  I have noticed a few other things dissapearing as well but nothing as regular as clients.  What am I doing wrong?

THe only thing that I thought might be associated with it is my login often gets timed out for inactivity because I get caught up on something else during my testing.  Is is possible that when I time out it removes any data I put in during that session?


Re: Clients keep getting deleted or go missing

Are you sure you have read FAQ, especially point 2.1?