Topic: System diagnostics button always visible

The "system diagnostics" functionality in the "setup" section, is always visible. This function cannot be disabled in the access setup.

Is it possible to add this function to the access setup, so it will be invisible if preferred?

BTW when clicking on it when not authorized, it shows the "The security settings on your account do not permit you to access this function" message. That is ok, but maybe it is possible to make the function also invisible in the setup tab.

Re: System diagnostics button always visible

We prefer to display also inactive menu options, just to make easier admin's decision which option should be switched on/off for which role.

If you wish you can also just comment out the respective line in applications/setup.php.


3 (edited by erwindebruin 02/05/2012 06:03:17 pm)

Re: System diagnostics button always visible

I tried to say the problem is not that the problem is not that the link is visible (i know that not activated options are always visible in grey).

The problem is that the function is alway clickable... even if authorized or not (in the user access roles setup), the user can always click on the hyperlink.

if authorized --> the system diagnostics screen shows up
if not authorized --> the user access error shows up.

is it normal that this is the only function which is always clickable, even if authorized or not?

Re: System diagnostics button always visible

Oh, yes. Seems this is small inconsistency. To be fixed in next release. In meantime you can just change at security code at applications/setup.php:62 from 'SA_OPEN' TO 'SA_SOFTWAREUPGRADE'.