Topic: how to assign new user to a new company?

I installed FA using demo company profile and then created a new company for my business. But I can't seem to find how to assign a new user for the new company. At the moment I can only login using the demo company to the demo database.
thank you in advance

Re: how to assign new user to a new company?

When you crated the new company you were able to enter an admin password. Use this password to login to your new company and on the Setup tab, User accounts setup and add new users.
If you have lost your admin password on the new company, then use phpMyAdmin and copy the admin password from the demo user to the new company. You can later change this password if you want.


Re: how to assign new user to a new company?

Hi Joe,
Thank you for your help. Here is my issue:
- I have created two companies - one is demo and the other is real company
- logged in using the demo company admin account
- created a new user and made it an administrator
- logged out of the system
- tried to log back in to the real company using the new user and I get password error though I have the correct password.

Is there away to assign the new admin user to the new non demo company? The goal is to log into the real company with its own credentials.

Thank you

Re: how to assign new user to a new company?

A couple of FA functions (like installing modules)  is reserved for site admin. Admin user on first created company i considered site admin, so those functions are not available on other companies.

Every company has its own set of registered users, so you cannot use user account created for first company on others.
