If I try to do that I think I will mess up my system.

I will leave it alone.


How do we submit updates to modules we maintain?

It has been a very long time for me...


Sounds like it is not for the faint of heart!

I think I will skip that idea


I have about 10 years of data in my FA database and I am looking at deleting all but the last 3-4 years (Under Fiscal Years)

It occurs to me that it will remove transactions but old customers and branches may be left alone.

Is there an easy way to clean up old customers with no transactions?



(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

I did notice that both the Long and Short names are searched from the web forms, so that may be a solution for the original poster.
It also may be suitable for me as well.

If not, your extra table suggestion will clearly do the job as well



After considering the add-on updating for new and existing users, the extra table method seems much cleaner



(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

Are you suggesting adding an account number to the debtors_master table?

If so, I strongly AGREE!

I get 99% of my sales orders from web orders that I import from my osCommerce site

Can we add that in FA2.5?

Is there a projected release date for FA2.5?


Sometime between 2.3.16 and 2.4.6 the form /sales/customer_delivery.php?OrderNumber=###

changed to automatically ZERO any items that were not available for delivery

I also see that "Action for balance" has two options "Automatically Backorder" and "Cancel items not delivered"

I think we need a third option "Ship Complete" or some other better description that would allow the previous
behavior such that I would have to Manually change the quantities as needed.


I often have missing items that were delivered but not yet manufactured in FA, so I pop open another tab, make it and then click UPDATE on the delivery page, commit and I am done

Does this sound useful?

If not I am sure I can change my behavior, but a Ship Complete option may have uses


So it appears that voiding a transaction does remove the record totally from the stock_moves table.

So THAT is the problem with my DB, I will delete that record and all should be well.

Been using FA for over 9 years and this is the first db issue I have had


I have an Inventory Adjustment that was voided but it appears in the detailed item movements

The item was added and voided on FA 2.3.16 and I am now using 2.4.6

If I click the transaction reference number it tells me it was voided...

But I should not be seeing it!

It is also messing up the total On Hand counts

Some date ranges are ok, others are bad

Also Item Status is wrong...

The type is 17 and I have 3 of these voided item movements, id 20, 91 and 97
The other two do not show up in the detailed item movements

How do I look at these transactions?

What table do these types/ids refer to?



Ok it looks like stock_moves is the table..

When a transaction is voided is the entry removed from stock_moves?
I saw one entry (20 from long ago) where the Quantity was set to 0



(27 replies, posted in Installation)

When I was comparing my database to the FA2.4 I found a number of fields had different default values and such, so I felt it might be better if I make my DB conform to the exact same structures of demo data.

So here is what I ended up doing:
1. Exported my data with phpMyAdmin keeping Just the Data and truncating the tables (as opposed to dropping them)
2. I created a fresh DB and imported the 2.3.26 demo data with phpMyAdmin (my system was FA2.3.16)
3. I imported my Data Only with phpMyAdmin
4. I then logged into an admin account of my DB and did a Software Update

All appears to be well.

The same steps could work for an FA2.4 db clean up as well



(27 replies, posted in Installation)

Is this statement correct?

7. Now when you login as administrator, FA will ask you to update your database. 

I loaded the demo data from 2.3.26 into my 2.4.6 install and FA does not ask me to update my DB.

I can go do the update, but it never asks me.
What triggers this question from the code?

Is there something missing from mt DB?



(27 replies, posted in Installation)

After a detailed look at my database I have found that he difference between my tables (2.3.16) and 2.3.26 are that 3 fields are out of order.
Seems they were added to the end not in the middle.

There are also many defaults that are different.

I am wondering if I could export my DATA only and import into the 2.3.26 tables (truncating the tables before inserting)

It seems that could work, unless I am missing anything obvious

(Yes everything is backed up so total failure is not a real problem)


(27 replies, posted in Installation)

kvvaradha wrote:

@ tom - I guess if you do the missiby step.  It will fix the db issue.

I hope that FA2.4 correctly updates the DB...



(27 replies, posted in Installation)

kvvaradha wrote:

Steps to Upgrade it

3. Restore the database which you backed up on FA2.3.24 and login as admin in FA 2.3.26
4. Again here Backup database  from 2.3.26 and save it on your pc

6. Now you need to Restore the backup you exported from FA2.3.26
7. Now when you login as administrator, FA will ask you to update your database.

In steps 3 and 6 does "Restore" mean using phpadmin IMPORT or mysql command or import through FA Setup-Backup/Restore?

I ask because is using FA we'd already be logged in as admin...

The devil is in the details



(27 replies, posted in Installation)

I do see some differences... (table entry order, defaults, etc)

So I guess that the large jump I made caused some of the sql/alter.[sql|php] scripts to not run correctly

Has that been fixed in fa2.4.x?

I will load my db into fa2.3.26 and then to 2.4.6 and see if the db is better...


I may have some other issues to fix... I will post here when I test more


Well that explains it!

The extension I downloaded when running 2.4.6 contained an older version of the hooks.php file that did not contain

    function __construct() {
        $this->module_name = 'osc_orders';

I downloaded the first 8-10 extensions from setup->install.activate extensions and found only a couple have the constructor called

I did not check github but I see the osc_orders was updated as part of what may have been a global update...

i am the author of osc_orders and I have a small update I would like to make..

I'd do it myself but I am not very good with git yet and only have this one change to be made...

Can do apply it to the sources? (2 lines changed) or I can email/pm the updated file...
Below: The updated file is on the right ">"

tom@w2vy:/var/www/html/fa/modules/osc_orders$ diff osCommerce.php /tmp/osCommerce.php 
<                 $cart->document_date = Today();
<                 // $_POST['OrderDate'] = $cart->document_date;
>                 $cart->document_date = sql2date($order['date_purchased']);
<                 $cart->due_date = Today();
>                 $cart->due_date = sql2date($order['date_purchased']);

ps. I just attached it as a txt file! I knew there as a way...


(27 replies, posted in Installation)

I was able to import it ok from 2.3.16 to 2.4.6 using the steps you provided (skipping the fresh install of 2.3.26)

Well so far it looks good smile


Ok, I looked around and it does have the add_rapp_function call

I am thinking that it has something to do with security

The code has:

define ('SS_OSCORDERS', 106<<8);


            case 'orders':
                $app->add_rapp_function(2, _('osCommerce Import'),
                    $path_to_root.'/modules/osc_orders/osCommerce.php', 'SA_OSCORDERS');

Is 106 correct?

Any ideas? The module is listed as "osCommerce Order and Customer Import Module"
In the Install/Activate extension

Yes I activated it smile

The CVS Import items is working fine (# 105)


I am upgrading from 2.3.16 to 2.4.6 and I added my two extensions back in but they do not show up in the menus

I am guessing I had to add them manually, I just forgot how

osc_orders and import_items

I also have a minor update to osc_orders, last time I think I emailed it to Joe, is that the case still or is there a place to upload them?



(27 replies, posted in Installation)

kvvaradha wrote:

Steps to Upgrade it

1. Backup the database from your current version FA 2.3.24 .
2. Install a new fresh FA 2.3.26 on separate directory.
3. Restore the database which you backed up on FA2.3.24 and login as admin in FA 2.3.26
4. Again here Backup database  from 2.3.26 and save it on your pc
5. Download Fresh New FA copy, 2.4.4 and install it fresh.
6. Now you need to Restore the backup you exported from FA2.3.26
7. Now when you login as administrator, FA will ask you to update your database. 
8. Now go to Software Upgrade.  You can see Update option, Just click and update the Database. 

Once these steps done successfully, everything will be alright with new version.

I have seen these steps mentioned in a few posts.

Why do you say to upgrade to Ver 2.3.26 (last version of FA2.3) before moving to FA2.4.x?
Does this last version save things differently or the upgrade?

I ask because In Theory any FA2.3 version should have the same DB structure


If I am changing an account from one checking acount (1060) to another (1062) should I transfer the funds out before the change and back in after?

I tried that but I can't because I had already received items on the PO

I entered a PO and received items upon it.

Now I need to cancel the whole thing (drop ship order cancelled)

I have not been invoiced by the supplier.

Is there a clean way to do this?

It almost seems that I need to create a dummy invoice and then do a return.

Is there a simpler eay?



(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

humm... that does not help.

Which lines appear wrong?