When you set 'editable description' option in Items, you can edit text description for the item.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The switch in config.php decides whether the branch record is created automatically for new customer, or you preffer to enter it manually. Anyway you have to cretae at least one branch record, otherwise the customer is unusable. This is because the taxation does not depends on a legal company registration address, but on where the real business activity is performed. Then it have to be selected on branch, not customer level.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Only short comment: FA does not use Basic Authentication.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Can't remember, seems here was some problem in the past, so just for security reasons it was commented out (just to be on safe side).

Thank you very much for this info. Hopefuly you have made happy Windows users' life easier smile.



(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

When you have disabled branch auto creation, you have to entry all the parameters on separate screen i.e. during customer branch creation.



(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Because the previous code was invalid. Unset grn_clearing _act parameter should be set to empty value, and not 0.

If you have sys_prefs record with name==grn_clearing_account set to '0', you can safely fix this in phpmyadmin to ''.
Otherwise you should invoice all outstanding GRNs before you change the account setting.

Ok, thank you for update. I guess your browser has badly implemented page caching. Isn't it IE :S ?
Anyway we will fix this problem in next release.

Thank you Francesco. When you are ready, please sens us the translated *.po file to contributions mailbox.

Try change line 363 in inlcudes/session.inc to:

ini_set('session.cache_limiter', 'nocache');

This line was changed recently to avoid unexpected page expiration after login.


(2 replies, posted in Misc. Charts of Accounts)

Thank you Victor. The COA will be available from FA repo after next update (within few days).


This have nothing to do with FA  version. Probably you have for some reason de-synced Forms Setup . Here you can manually set next transaction reference to the first avilable number. After fixing, the transaction reference should start behave corectly.



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Front Accounting does not cache php pages. If content is paged you should seek for the reason somehwere between your server and browser. NB what the attached image have to do with caching problem?


There is no formal specification of FA internals, but due to structured FA architecture this should be easy to guess. The database helpers are defined in *.inc files in respective includes/db folders. You can use them directly if you plan to write some extension module. If you rather want to interact via remote interface, you can try start with some of the partially implemented API modules implementing for SOAP or REST services. Unfortunatelly those are also far from completeness, so you will probably need to extend them somewhat.



(6 replies, posted in Translations)

When you have something ready to share with other FA users, please send it to contributions mailbox. We will publish your work via central FA repository. Thanks in advance smile.


I'm not sure what you mean. Do you want to grant access to inventory listing for your customers without possibility to entry sales?
If this is what you mean, you can try configure special role for customer access.



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

No, the parametr should just be empty (no quotes nor double quotes).
If unsure, try it yourself.


(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

Slightly changed line should do:

hyperlink_no_params($path_to_root."/sales/inquiry/customer_allocation_inquiry.php?customer_id=", _("Go to Allocation Inquiry"));

Regarding the weird exact selection effect, I can't remember why it was leaved as it is. I'm sure there was some (more or less) important reason for implementing such behaviour, but  simply I can't remember what it was. Anyway, I agree this is annoying., and maybe this is good candidiate for improvement.



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

Ok, I have added the two sort options in customer allocation inquiry, will be available from FA 2.3.14. Regarding additional link in final invoice to delivery screen I have decided to not include it just now, but if need it you can try to add the link yourself about line 65 of sales/customer_invoice.php file:

hyperlink_no_params($path_to_root."/sales/inquiry/customer_allocation_inquiry.php", _("Go to Allocation Inquiry"));

Thank you very much. Your fixes has been included for next release.



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

I'm not sure what you mean, but maybe you have not encountered new $auto_create_branch switch in config.php, which have to be set to create the linked defualt customer branch automatically.

Oh yes, the amount doubling is just a bug, I will fix it in next minor version (I personally work on customized FA version, and seems I've forgot to send bufix back to main sources some time ago). In mean time you can allocate payments to invoices using Allocate Payments or Customer Credit Notes page.

Ok, maybe this is good idea to add additional icon additinally to F# keys. I will try to add this in some next FA version.
Regarding the cash payment - this feature works just automatically when you select payment terms of cash type.



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

In QB I enter all the customer information once, on one page. In FA I have to enter it twice, on 2 separate pages.

Well, this is not exactly true. New customer is registered on single page, and default branch is created automatically (unless you use not up to date FA version).



(23 replies, posted in Wish List)

kharding wrote:

For clarity, apmathu, currently I have to:

- Add a customer through the Sales menu.
- Direct Invoice them through Sales.
- Apply Payment through Sales.

Three separate steps. Maybe these could somehow be combined on one screen under Direct Sale and Payment?

No, not exactly. You can make all this on the single Direct Invoice form. Just enter Direct Invoice page, press F2 when you are focused on customer selector, entry new customer info and save it, then use cash payment option which registers also payment to invoice in single step.

ed10 wrote:

Now comes the slow awkward part of the process. It seems that the only way to enter customer payments is by clicking Customer Payments.  When I do that, unlike the above process, I am not provided any list of open invoices or list of customers with balances owed to our company.  We have to do a search for each customer by name.  This is a very slow process especially compared just picking a customer/invoice from a list and clicking a button

But you have list of all not paid invoices under Sales/Customer Allocation Inquiry. Here you can select any unpaid invoice by customer name, and entry payment on screen where you have list of all unpaid invoices for selected customer presented. The only improvement I can see here is adding link back to Customer Allocation Inquiry on final payment  screen, beside this all the payment process use the same scheme like the delivery/invoicing.


You are free to use any numbers in range  <100<<8; 155<<8> as section id, and any number from <101; 255> as security area id. You should only keep them unique inside module where they are defined.

In fact both section (tab), and area (mainly menu options) identifiers are rewritten in run time to keep them unique on your FA installation. If you assign the numbers according to above rules you should never encounter problems here.


Unfortunatelly I cannot help you much, as I'm not using Win. Anyway, if you encountered web server crashes, maybe you should look into apache logs? The log file  tmp/errors.log stores only messages generated by php interpreter, so it will not show you the logs related to server crash.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

All the update process is explained in details in the update.html file, just look below release notes.
If you prefer to rely on official version, just upload 2.3.13 tarball from sourceforge project page and follow instructions.
