Yes, please try reinstall FA again. Before starting install wizard please check whether the base FA install folder is writable for www server (this check was missing in the system tests).



(40 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

The Report Generator module code has been adopted as FA extension long time ago despite it contains many design issues. We have provided it anyway, to give some base for better solution development to any interested third party programmers.

Keep in mind, that in current state the module should never (it means NEVER) be used on FrontAccounting installations working in not fully trusted environment.

Treat this warning seriously: due to still existing vulnerabilities this extension should not be installed on any servers accessed from external net. This warning has been included in extension package info, but better safe than sorry, so I have added the info to wiki too.


This is strange. Have you looked into System Diagnostics page under Setup tab?

As you can see this issue appears occasionally on some unidentified configurations, while all works right for all other users. We cannot reproduce this problem on our testing configurations, so you are probably on your own.


(2 replies, posted in Translations)

Use iso-8859-15 or utf-8 encoding instead.


(4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

This is just a couple of calls to xgettext/msgfmt. Something like:


GTEXEC="xgettext  -d empty --language=PHP  --from-code=ISO-8859-1 -p $MAINDIR/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES "
cp header.po $MAINDIR/$TPL.po


$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j *.php
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j includes/db/*.inc
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j includes/*.*
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j $ROOTDIR/themes/default/renderer.php


(13 replies, posted in Wish List)

This will be made in 2.4 release.

The lang folder check is included in, and result is displayed on leading installer page.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks. The path will almost always differ from the real path. Those are only handy comments for translators, to recognise context of the translated text.


(13 replies, posted in Wish List)

Additional setting for BCC mailbox has been added in company setup. The feature will be available from FA 2.3.14.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I don't think so. Branch setup contains much more parameters than those visible on new Customer screen in auto mode. Anybody who want to have full control over branch settings during customer/branch creation will have the switch set to off.  This is how the application was used over the years from the begining.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You are right. Those are artifacts of pre-2.2 extensions. Will be cleaned up in next minor version. Thanks for pointing this out.

The installed_extensions.php file is properly created during installation. Nevertheless I have found small bug in system tests (main FA folder was not tested properly whether it is writable or not). Fixed for next release.

I think this is not required, at least not urgent. The report is placed in Inventory section of reporting module, so there is not much space to make a mistake.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

I have fixed a couple of issues in Requsitions module and the package in repository has been updated. Now all the functionality implemented by Dennis Gichangi should work right, also some small changes were made in the code which should result in a little better user experience.

Unfortunately there was also installation bug found in core FA, which results in non intialized database after installation. The bug was already fixed in Hg repository, but the new minor FA version is not planned until next year. Therefore to make use of the new module version  you have to do following steps:
. make backup of your company database
. uninstall requisition module in Create/Install Extension page
. install it again from the repo (on the same page)
. read module description - you will find important warnings here
. open your company database in phpmyadmin and import /modules/requisitions/sql/update.sql file.

Now the requisition module should be usable. Keep in mind there is a little non-standard interface implemented by author.
Entering requisition is not complete until you select Details link, enter a couple of requisition lines and select Complete link finally.


Strange, I have not encountered any caching problems using Chrome on Linux. Anyway I have fixed it to avoid caching problems. Will be available in next minor FA version.

I guess you have attached not execactly what you wanted to. The zip file contains no changes beside report title (not taking into account changed original author's info).


(6 replies, posted in Reporting)

Yes, you are right, there was a bug in sales report, just fixed in repo. Please install new package from repo.
Keep in mind the summary is made over sales invoicec, not sales deliveries, which maybe not exactly what you want.
I have deleted your last post with attachment, as it does not solve the problem discussed here.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

I'm not sure what are you talking about ? The flush_file is potentially damaging function, which delete entirely the selected folder and all its subfolders recursively. This is not part of any library, just the FA function declared in file


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Oh, yes. There is another commercial software with this name, and you have not explained which one  you mean before. Thanks for clarfication.

Please send the fixed files back to contributions mailbox with terse change description, then we will pack it and make them availbale from repo. If you wish to use the changed files only locally, you do not need packaging at all.


(3 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

The fixed assets module requires TRIGGER priviledges, so you cannot use this if you have no way to leverege your db access right.
This is the only third party code which needs it, and the module was abandoned by original developer, sorry. I think you can safely ignore the index warning.
Regarding the backup/restore maybe there is some tight constraint in your php.ini which is source of problems. Nobody reported error here so far., so I guess the problem is rather in backup file transmition, then backup generation.



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Processmaker is not free/open source software, nor it is especially popular, so I guess you will have to find a developer and pay to make the integration for you.



(11 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, that's it. The mail system on your box is outside of scope FA carry about. The only global parameter is email address set in company setup, and FA uses it when sending emails via your mail system.