1 (edited by apmuthu 12/15/2012 02:21:57 am)

Topic: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work

Installed the Debian Archiver using apt-get install binutils. This makes the ar binary available.

Installed the Sales Summary Report Extension from the default Repo and made corrections to the files in modules/rep_sales_summary. Now try to re-package it after setting the correct sha1sums.

The following does not produce FA compatible pkg from the above already installed one:

cd /var/www/frontac/modules/rep_sales_summary
ar rcs ../rep_sales_summary-2.3.3-1.pkg  \
       ../_cache/rep_sales_summary-2.3.3-1/_init/config \
       ../_cache/rep_sales_summary-2.3.3-1/_init/files \
       index.php \
       reporting/index.php \
       reporting/rep_sales_summary.php \

Re: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work

Please send the fixed files back to contributions mailbox with terse change description, then we will pack it and make them availbale from repo. If you wish to use the changed files only locally, you do not need packaging at all.

3 (edited by apmuthu 12/19/2012 02:03:37 pm)

Re: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work

Attached a fresh Customer Sales Summary Extension for v2.3.13-1

Re: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work

I guess you have attached not execactly what you wanted to. The zip file contains no changes beside report title (not taking into account changed original author's info).

5 (edited by apmuthu 12/19/2012 02:52:56 pm)

Re: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work

You're right. I'll post the actual changes in another extension in another post. The attachment was a jumble up of an extension that was in the process of testing the parameters. The extension name change to Item Sales Summary Report may have been appropriate in the light of a similarly named one in the Customer Reports.

Re: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work

I think this is not required, at least not urgent. The report is placed in Inventory section of reporting module, so there is not much space to make a mistake.

Re: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work


Re: Extension Package Creation - ar does not work

Generate the _init/files file from within the extension folder with the bash one-liner:

find . -type f -not -path "./_init/files" | xargs sha1sum | sed -e 's# \*\.\/# \/#' | awk '{print $2 ": " $1}' > ./_init/files