
I think you have nailed it... the system is slow even with Javascript turned off. I am working with the hosting service to see if they can resolve it.

Are most of your users on a shared service, or do you recommend a VPS?

I am still having problems running FA reliably and having a lot of what I call timeout errors. I am seeing the yellow triangle way too much! smile I will try and enter an invoice, and the triangle comes up when I choose a new client, it comes up when I choose "Cash" or "Delayed" payment, it comes up when I enter a line item.

I have increased the ini_set('memory_limit', '48M'); I have increased the timeout and I am just not sure where to adjust next.

I am on a shared server, with the database sitting on a separate one. Has this been an issue with others? Do I need to go to a VPS? Is this a hosting issue (I hope not)?


I suspect due to a timeout issue, this problem occurs.

I posted a customer payment, and got the yellow warning triangle. Assuming this was due to a timeout, I submitted the entry again.

When I checked the results, the payment was processed twice.

Is there a way to avoid this? I hate having to make adjusting entries smile

Thanks... I think I have made the adjustments and will test them out.

I am trying to enter a number of customers as carried forward balances. Most work correctly, however, I have 2 entries that keep insisting that they are cash sales, and DR Cash Register, rather that AR.

I have checked to make sure that the customers are set up to be allowed to charge in the Customer Setup screen, as well, ensured that the Delayed payment option was invoked on the invoice screen.

I have tried this a number of times, including logging out and flushing my cache.

Any thoughts?

I have tried to get the rep_check_print.php cheque printing module to work, and can not get it to show on the Report Menu of Bank and General Ledger tab.

I have logged out, cleared cache, closed browser and re-installed to the training company. I have tried both as admin and as demouser.

Either it is really, really late here, or I am missing something smile

I agree it should not happen.

I could not trace the problem, and as this is a new install, I have re-installed the program and going thru the setup.

Your responses on this forum to me and others is always so much appreciated.

I entered two sales invoices, and they posted correctly to Sales and Taxes, with a DR to Accounts Receivable.

Then the cash payment correctly CR A/R, however, the DR went into no where land... in other words, I have no idea how the transaction posted. The trial balance is out of balance now as a result. The entries posted as follows:

          DR      CR
Sales        |  X
A/R     X   |

And then

        DR      CR
A/R         |   X
????   X

The  ??? represents a blank account that I can not trace.
I would include a screen shot if I could, but I don't believe PunBB allows me too.

As this is a fairly new install, is there a setting I may have missed?

I am trying to find a way to adapt FA for tracking time as a WIP item.

What I have come up with is entering my time in a Sales Order, and invoicing that out periodically.

However, I find that at the same time I am trying to track discounts of time I give due to various reasons (extraneous conversations, research that should not be charged to the client etc).

I have set up a time_discount item in inventory, however, it does not allow me to enter a negative number. Right now it adds to the cost in the sales order... it does not subtract it.

I suspect if I invoice it out, that I then would have to manually re-enter the discount.

Is there a way around this? Can a discount only be tracked once an invoice is issued?

Is there a better way to track time within FA?


Sometimes it may be useful that a user can not change there own password. Is there a setting that one can disable it? Perhaps inside a config or PHP file?



Thanks for the hint on the manufacturing tab.

I am not sure if I agree with your reasons for not displaying a disabled menu item, as I can think of some instances ( I used to do ERP installs for automotive dealerships) where it is more desirable that users not be aware of some of the menu choices.

At any rate, I (and I am sure others) certainly appreciate your speedy and thorough responses on questions or suggestions. It is such a pleasure to discuss issues with the developers.

A great feature I have seen in a few other accounting programs is that when a user is restricted in a module that the menu choice for that item or module does not appear when they log-in.

As example, I have a client who needs not manufacturing functions, therefore I have set them as not having access, yet of course they still can see the tab.

Not a need to have feature, but a really, really nice to have one smile


Yes, it worked before the upgrade. When you say the credentials are the same, are you talking about  the arrays having the same information in it?

I am using the as example, and when I typed "DBIsetup", in each case those were different databases... they did not all have the same name. I guess I should have typed "DBIsetup_1, DBIsetup_2 etc to be more precise.

Alvin: Having had more than my share of lost data in the past... trust me, I understand backups smile

I get the following error message when I attempt to upgrade the program:

DATABASE ERROR : could not get user admin
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'thedatabaseIsetup.0_users' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 0_users WHERE user_id='admin'

I got this error message twice. After the first time, I deleted the company, which seem to take. The second time, I got the same error message again. I am not sure what file I should be looking at to edit?

When I look at the configuration of my config_db.php file, I get the following:

$db_connections = array (
    0 => array ('name' => 'Training Co.',
        'host' => '',
        'dbuser' => 'userIsetup',
        'dbpassword' => 'password',
        'dbname' => 'DBIsetupt',
        'tbpref' => '0_'),

    array ('name' => 'company1.',
        'host' => '',
        'dbuser' => 'userIsetup',
        'dbpassword' => 'password',
        'dbname' => 'DBIsetupt',
        'tbpref' => ''),

    array ('name' => 'company2',
        'host' => '',
        'dbuser' => 'userIsetup',
        'dbpassword' => 'password',
        'dbname' => 'DBIsetupt',
        'tbpref' => '')


Thanks in advance.

First of all, I want to thank for all the prompt answers by the administrators. I know a lot value that.

Here is the situation:

1. Customer wants to order an item that takes some time to come in. So, a "sales order entry" is performed.
2. Customer needs to make a 50% deposit on this order before the order is finalized. (Accounting entries would be DR Cash and CR Customer Deposits)

The question is, how can this be handled in FA. I tried entering a negative amount in the "sales order entry", but that did not take.

Further questions, once the order comes in, how do I clear out the customer deposit from the liability ledger and apply it to the sales invoice that will be generated?

Is this possible with FA, or do we have to figure out a work around?

I searched the forum and wiki and cannot find a reference to this. It seems to increment a number (_3 or _6) when you add a company, yet I had some functions appear not to work if I let the incrementation occur. If I leave it as blank, then all functions appear to work.

Any suggestions?

I was not aware until now that I could add to the FA wiki, and I absolutely agree it is better to expand on it.

If I find I can add things there, I will. I may still keep my own wiki for my own setups for clients, but it makes sense to contribute to what is already build.

Thanks for the comment about the config.php. I took a look at the FA wiki on what the various switches are.. great stuff, now I got to go play with them smile

Joe, thanks, that should clear things up- I hope smile

Itronics, under GST in Canada, whether to consumer or B2B, we are required to charge GST, but also, we get an input credit for what we pay other suppliers.

As both of you are involved in the admin of this board (and I assume take part in the coding), I have found some challenges in understanding all of the fields in the various setups that are required, specifically understanding what affect it may have.

As a result, I have started documenting (for my own referral right now) what steps need to be taken, and what each field represents. The start of this project is here: http://forterecordstorage.com/docuwiki/dokuwiki-2009-12-25/doku.php

It would be a great help if you have a resource you could point me too that may already answer a lot of the questions as to what each field does. As example, I have searched the wiki and the forum, and can not find a reference to what the term "domicile" relates to in the Company Set Up screen.

As I am not a coder (my knowledge of PHP makes it dangerous for me to play with it), I can contribute to the project by helping with the documentation.

I have actually already set both of you up as editors, should you wish to correct or assist in this project. Once complete, perhaps it can become part of your documentation.

I hope I am not being presumptuous with this project? I just suspect that if I am puzzled by some of the flow, there are probably others, and this project may relieve you of answering some of those questions.

Joe, could you comment on some of the advanced users you may have here in Canada. I hope to be using this for a number of clients, and some present some challenges due to them requiring fund accounting capabilities and reporting thereof. I think your tags once fully implemented will do what is required. Mind you, I still need to wrap my head around exactly how to use 2 level dimensions, but that is a discussion for another day.

Here in Canada, we charge on all sales tax on revenues, and deduct the sales tax we pay on purchases before we remit to government.

It appears to me on testing that sales tax is in the price (at least the GL postings look that way), and I can't find a switch that would cause the tax to be added to the price rather than be included.

Am I missing something?

Itronics... as stated, I have cleared the cache and even used another browser. I don't understand how many of the install wizards fields are pre-populated with information I entered in past install events. As a result of that, I wonder if there is something else that is being cached, or appear to be cached?

My web host DOES allow writing to mysql, in fact, I had him move my account to a different server in anticipation of installing Front Accounting, and had advised him of the parameters required.

So... what else should I check?

thanks in advance again.

On a shared server, I have created a database, and then extracted the zip file into a directory of its own

The install failed numerous times, and to try and ensure that I am doing a clean install, I have deleted the database, and deleted ALL files in the directory, with the exception of the zip file.

My PHP.ini file is set as instructed, and all requirements in the install screen are green.

Here is were things fall apart.

First of all, my server reports Server reports PHP 5.2.9 yet the install screen reports PHP  4.1.0. I don't believe 4.1.0 supports INNODB, and of course, then the program could not run properly.

Secondly, even though I have tried to do a complete clean install every time, somehow most fields in the install screen are pre-populated, so there must be a cache somewhere. I have tried clearing the browser cache, and even tried using a different browser, with the same results.

So, my question on this issue is, where does the install write it's information, as it appears it does not get erased when I delete all files.

Thirdly, I get the following error messages (I believe the second is as a consequence of the first):

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xx' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/myaccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php on line 342

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/myacccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php:342) in /home/myaccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php on line56

Thanks in advance.. this is driving me crazy. I have installed numerous PHP programs in the past, although this is the first with INNODB, but I am not sure that should make a difference.

When I try and log in with the credentials that were setup in the config_db.php file as outline elsewhere in this forum, I get the following message.

Should I be checking a different file?  Thanks!


Incorrect Password

The user and password combination is not valid for the system.

If you are not an authorized user, please contact your system administrator to obtain an account to enable you to use the system.

I have tried a variety of things:

-use the database name I set up in SQL (without any tables)
-a number of different database names, all with this same result

Thanks for the help last time, but it looks like I need more. Reading the manual and searching the forums did not help.

I get the following error message when trying to run the install script. Some of the fields in the wizard are pre-filled in, and I am not sure where they are pulling the information. Anyone?

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'xyz'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/myaccount/public_html/accounting/install/save.php on line 348

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/myaccount/public_html/accounting/install/save.php:348) in /home/myaccount/public_html/accounting/install/save.php on line 86


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

FA looks like it will do what I am looking for, however, I find the demo extremely restrictive to view functionality.

As example, I can not find a way to run any reports, as it advises I do not have the security level needed.

Is there a limited admin password that can be used to test out reporting?
