I have right now small problem. I made credit invoice for one costumer.
That was easy: Customer Credit Notes, then I choose the costumer etc. And credited these goods, what needed.
But now the problem - how I can pay the credited ammount back to costumer?
What I made: Banking and General Ledger ->Payments->Pay To:Costumer then I choose the costumer and from account I take Accounts Receivable.
After that payment - costumer balance is again normal as needed. But when I looked to Costumer Paymens, then I can see that I have still Left to Allocate the same credited sum. (look the picture: http://spottraining.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Customer-Payment-Entry_13377544749341.png ).
Why it shows still that?
What is wrong?
How is the correct credit procedure for costumers?