Topic: Assets Register Modual

I have some Quastions about this module..

first: Is this Modual for All kinds of assets that shown in COA?

Second: How it's work?

Finally: if I want it for set our Capital Assets what should I put in

Assets type:
Assets Account:
and the other..

I try to see how it is work and I set all Assets entries after create some stupid assets Type, but when I had finished all entries ,

1: The assets list shown only first entry of each type of assets
2: No thing change in COA all Assets are ZERO

Re: Assets Register Modual


Re: Assets Register Modual

I myself can't give your answer - as I can't install it.
I want also make asset register, but this module doesn't work.

Re: Assets Register Modual

The Asset Register module is provided as is by the author. The code in the current state cannot be directly integrated into core FA because due to some design decisions it requires extended database user priviledges, which core FA don't require (e.g. stored procedures are used, so the database initialization can be done only by database server administrator). If anybody is interested in refactoring the module code to be more usable for average FA user without additional permittions, you are welcome - we will include the fixed version into FA repo instead. Unfortunately we have no free resources to do it ourself just now.

Re: Assets Register Modual

thank you itronics for the replay but i have the asset module up and running
i have created a  routine alter routine an excite even and trigger enabled

i add the assets but when i go to the GL report there is no entry and i can't find any trace only in the asset report that comes with the module

did any one try or has it working ?

thank you

Re: Assets Register Modual

I tried it out to but it ain't that what it shroud be.

It should work like a sub menu as inventory.

i would advise a new tabblad for assets just like sales/puchases etc.. a new menu bar.

That what in FA is now only a data register for assets it doesn't carry those transaction to the charts of accounts of the assets.

I have a sample excel sheet how it should be and work could i mail it to you guys.


Re: Assets Register Modual

yes please

i would love to see it

and thank you in advance