(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks again Joe

If I want to add more than one email Address for a Client (I need to send the PDF Invoices/Statements to both the Accounts Manager and the Creditors Clerk) do I just in Customers / Setup Type in the Email Addresses: " manager@companyx.com; clerk@companyx.com "

Thanks Again

This is a Great Product



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Joe

Where do I setup my SMTP Server Details in FA2 (Latest Version) to send a PDF Invoice/Statement to a Client and what File(s) can I change the Wording in re. Mail Message.

Thanks again



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

That did it.

Thanks again Joe



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi Joe

How do I create a Recuring Invoice under the " Setup / Template Invoice " ?

Sorry for the Noob Question


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks Joe



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Joe

Wow thats all I can say about the Latest FA2

You probably have answered this before but I cannot seem to get the answers I am looking for.

In " Setup, Company Setup " there is an Option to add a " Custom Field Name "
I have entered in the First Field - VAT and then the Other Field my Vat Number.

1. How do I display my VAT Number on Every Invoice.
2. I also need to put and show my Clients Vat Number on Every Invoice - How?

Thanks again

Hi Joe

Thanks for the NEW FA2 Ver 21.08.2008 (Using Linux Setup)

I cannot seem to change my Fiscal Year (Used New Company Script) or add my Fiscal Year being: 01/03/2008 to 28/02/2009

It says - " Invalid BEGIN date in fiscal year "

Please Help


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Can I Redit an Existing Invoice in FA2RC2?, How?
Is the Latest Ver FA2 with the New PDF Engine Available for Download?



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

No Problem I Finally Understand. big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Sorry Chaps I got it sorted Out.


(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi fysikos (I'm using FA1.16)

Thanks for your Explanation. However as I'm not in the Accounting Profession I need more Info. All I need is to be able to ADD 14% VAT on Every Invoice I create for a Client (Whether it's Labour or Goods Sold). I need to SHOW this 14% VAT on Every Invoice for each Client.

How do I do this.

Please help

Sorry for the Noob Question big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Sorry if this has been answered before.

How do I setup FA1.16 to show the Total Tax amount of goods or labour sold on an invoice when I create that Invoice and when I print the Invoice.

Any Help Greatly Appreciated. big_smile


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

I am using FA1.16.
I need to know if it is Possible to Edit an Existing Invoice to make Changes to it before I email it to a Client or do I need to Credit it and Make a New Invoice.



(8 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thanks for the info joe cool

Great Product


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Thanks for your reply itronics

If I hear you correctly. Are you saying that the Company Files/Folders are under the "company/0" Folder to backup ?
Well I am using Linux and Under my "company" folder all I have is "index.php" nothing else.

I have installed FA2RC2 and all seems to work ok. I just do not seem to be able to either backup or create a new Company

Any Ideas ?


(7 replies, posted in Setup)


Yes sorry I did a typo there. I am using the en_US-new.sql Script. Please excuse the Noob Questions. I know it must be my side where the Fault is.

I Ceated a New DB in phpmysql Called "TestCo"
Now do I need to do anything else in phpmyadmin before I Procede with FA2rc2?

If so Please help with baby steps at what it is I need to do? roll

How do I create a User in phpadmin for the Database that I'm Creating

Then in FA2rc2 will the DB User Name be the same as in phpmyadmin? What will the Admin Password be? Is that my Server Admin Password or must I also create an Admin Account and Password for the New DB I created in phpmyadmin?

Thanks again


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks for the Quick Responce Joe.

I did what you said and it seemed to Create the New Company Howerver when I try to Login to the Company I get this Error:

DATABASE ERROR : could not get validate user login for devuser
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'devbooks.4_users' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 4_users WHERE user_id = 'devuser' AND password='996b088b82efa59150b41ee4dc41863a

Also when I went back to phpmyadmin to look at the Database I noticed that it did NOT Create any Tables. There is no Structure in the Database

What Now?

Please Help


(8 replies, posted in Reporting)

Does FA2RC2 Have the Ability to Print a Customer Statement to Email to the Client.

I need to show the Client(s) Details of Transacsiotns, Amounts Payed and Amounts Due and Amounts Outstanding.

Please Help


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm Using a Linux Box as a Server and Windows XP Box with IE as Client.

Installed FrontAccounting 2 rc2

I tried this but when I choose the "en_USE-new.sql" file from my XP Temp Folder (Copied all the FA2RC2 Tar Files There) to Create a NEW Company and used a Different Password for "New script Admin Password" I get a ERROR "Error creating Database: devbooks, Please create it manually"

Please HELP


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

I'm Using a Linux Server

FrontAccounting 2 RC2

When I try to make a Backup I get an Error
"Backup paths have not been set correctly.   Please contact System Administrator. - cannot find backup directory - ../company/0/backup/"

Please Help


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm Using a Linux Box as a Server and Windows XP Box with IE as Client.

I tried this but when I choose the "en_USE-new.sql" file from my XP Temp Folder (Copied all the Tar Files There) to Create a NEW Company and use a Different Password for "New script Admin Password" I get a ERROR "Error creating Database: devbooks, Please create it manually"

Please HELP