Topic: Custom Field Name

Hi Joe

Wow thats all I can say about the Latest FA2

You probably have answered this before but I cannot seem to get the answers I am looking for.

In " Setup, Company Setup " there is an Option to add a " Custom Field Name "
I have entered in the First Field - VAT and then the Other Field my Vat Number.

1. How do I display my VAT Number on Every Invoice.
2. I also need to put and show my Clients Vat Number on Every Invoice - How?

Thanks again

Re: Custom Field Name

Those company extra fields are not used by FA, but more to extra info for yourself.
In the company setup, you place your VAT no in Tax Authority Reference field
In the customer setup, you place the customers VAT no in th GSTno field. Sorry for the different words.
If these fields are filled then the info will come on the documents.


Re: Custom Field Name

Thanks Joe
