Yes, there is too many relations in database to make safe cleanup  manually. You can eventualy just select one of chart of accounts scripts available from repo, or simply get sql/en_US-new.sql and upload it to database via Backup/Restore Setup menu option. But looking into your another post I guess you have already found another solution smile.


(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Well, while all this is true, my question was more generic and not exactly related to VAT matters.

In the rental example I have considered only net charge value, which should be posted in 1/3 part in every period covered by invoice. When you will post all the 3 months rental charge at once, your GL can be considered not fair, as you have not included your rental charges in respective periods. Therefore my question was how you would solve the problem, if 'booking the same invoice under two dates is forbidden'.

Please abstract from the detais of the examples, and you will see the same situation regarding net and VAT values for single invoice. Just you need sepaarte VT date, because sometimes VAT date differs from transaction date, so you should post the two amounts on different dates.
How you would do it to be fair according to your local regulations?


PS Sorry, english is not my native language too, anyway I hope the problem is more clear now.

Yes, the package info is available only for packages installed from central Repo (it is read from repo description files).

Generally it is not advisable to work under any application without saving your work by hours, but surelly I understand your iritation.
Yes, please make the report for this issue on Mantis.

Please put threads like this under Report Bugs subforum. Such technical details are probably out of interest of people looking for advice in other forums. Moved.

Agree this is important feature, but unfortunatelly  single currency per customer/supplier is deep design decision, so changing this will take some time and effort.

Yes, you are right. This make sense in forms which can contain many entered data lines, and unexpected abandoning would result in wasting time. PO or Direct Invoice is good preposition for this.


(13 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Well, seems you have unescaped comma in description field, so the 'description' is imported into columns C&D, and all the following columns are shifted to the right.


(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

While the VAT regulations are harmonized across EU, still when new EU regulations appear there is some time to accomodate the changes to local law. Frankly the changes you described for some reason are not even disputted here in Poland (and we have end of February 2013 now!), and purchase invoices for continous services (e.g. for electricity supply) are claimable on the payment terms date.

As general accounting rules require booking expenses in related period, and VAT claimable date according to payment terms can be located in next period, single purchase invoice have to be booked in two different dates. So in effect you have two complimentary bookings made on two different dates, and they both are based on the same purchase invoice.

While described situation is specific to polish VAT regulations, this is only example, and similar problem you can find when basic document covers longer period (even if no VAT is involved).

Booking the same invoice under two dates is forbidden. Invoices may be made and booked only when the VAT- tax becomes claimable because bookings may show only the claimable VAT and not the VAT you may be entitled to.
This is for the VAt-tax and for net it should be the same because the legal invoice with VAT tax claimable date is the only valuable document on which the bookings may be based.

Ok, so how you would book e.g. rental when you are obliged to pay in advance for 3 periods. According to accounting rules you should book 1/3 of the rental value in every period, and you have only single invoice for the total amount?

If this is done on invoice date, the part of amount have to be rebooked to other periods on other dates via clearing account, so you effectively have 3 bookings to single base document (invoice).


(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Regarding VAT numbers verification, this is currently not implemented in FA, however I agree it would be usefull. Anyway if you  use FA via internet, there is no need for any EU VAT numbers/formats database: there is online service available HERE where you can check VAT numbers status  at any time smile.


(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

While all the EU countries have harmonized tax regulations, details of the regulations differ. For example in Poland the general rule  binding VAT effective date with the goods delivery (optionally deferred to the sales VAT invoice date) is not applicable to some services. Example here are 'continues services' (like electric energy supply, telececom services etc), for which VAT effective date is the date determined by payment terms (yes, this is payment term stated on invoice, even not real payment date!).

Anyway, I understand this is fully legal in your country to have single purchase invoice document booked in GL under two different dates, for net and VAT part of the invoice value?



(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

All invoices must show the date of invoicing and the date when the VAT tax became claimable also when these dates are the same.

There is lack of separate VAT date in purchase invoice, it could be added, but what about the situation, when VAT date and invoice date are not the same?

Currently in FA all GL posting related to some document (e.g. purchase invoice) are posted on the same (document) date. I'm not sure whether posting VAT and net amounts on two different dates would be correct from accounting point of view? In other words: can we have single AR/AP subledger document to be posted on two different days in general ledger?


Unfortunatelly there was a bug introduced recently in php mailing code. This is fixed now, and will be available with next release. You can also fix it yourself as explained in this thread.

Yes, this is what I meant wink.

XAMPP distribution is buggy at least in versions 1.7.7-1.8.0.
See XAMPP bug related thread for more details.
Use WAMP instead.


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

No, there is not such an option in FA, but you can customize reporting/rep110.php file to fit your needs.

Problem here is related to buggy Win packages, not FrontAccountig application.
See XAMPP bug related thread for more details.


(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

What kind of problem do you have with this helper?
The code was implemented back in 2009 and works fine up to day.



(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Thank you very much for your contribution.

Russian translation has been made already available via FA extensions repo.



(9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I can't reproduce the problem. SEt go_debug=1 and/or check error logs to find the problem.


(6 replies, posted in Reporting)

If you have developed the additional reports as a module, you can see how it is done in a couple of repo packages e.g. requisitions or Asset Register. Generaly transaltions are put inside module, and you have to use set_ext_domain('modules/some_module_name'); call at the top of translated file.



(20 replies, posted in Setup)

My bad,  ten use 'name' instead of 'DebtorName'.

Heh, epic fail smile. Unfortunately we have poor choice regarding anitspam solutions for punbb.


(20 replies, posted in Setup)

I think you need change it to
'name' => @$this->formData['DebtorName'],

(not tested though - I'm not sure whether DebtorName is defined for all types of report)

Inventory control in FA is done on daily basis, as it is just well enough in most cases.