Topic: Backups not working 2.3.15

Since updating to 2.3.15 from the previous version, the database backup function is not working as before.

The .gzip and .zip options time out, but the uncompressed backups sometimes work.

Database size is the same as before, and I used to use the .gzip compression without any problems.

Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

I can't reproduce the problem. SEt go_debug=1 and/or check error logs to find the problem.

Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

I am currently struggling with the same issue. Backup keeps running until FA times out.



Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

I never found a solution for this. It seems to be related to the size of the database. The backup function works with my test company (with very little data), but not with my main company data. I now do backups with mysqldump.

Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

Have you tried to set up the time-out value in php-ini.


Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

I have the same issue. Made a backup on 24/06/2013. worked then, baut after that nothing. It just keeps running and you can not log out or do anything. Does anybody have an answer yet?



Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

Still no ideas for the taking. Been struggling to make a backup of Frontaccounting database. Last backup was posible on 24/06/2013. Tried the following with the same result:

1. Backup in Front accounting: Just keeps running until it times out.
2. Cpanel Backups: Joomla database backup fine but Front Accounting continues until it times out as well
3. PHPMyAdmin: Same issue if I try and export front accounting database as sql, time out and eventually gives an error.

I have upgraded to the latest version and now my accounting system does not open at all.

I am desparate to try and find a solution. Do not know if it might be a problem on this particular shared server, but why is it only happening with the one company's FA database.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated



Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

FA seems to do "its own thing" when it comes to backups, but cpanel (I presume) and phpmyadmin should just dump the database as it is. I'm guessing (as in "I haven't a clue, but I'm trying to think of something helpful") that you have some database setting activated which slows the process down significantly. Logging? Statistics? Accounting?

If I understand you correctly you have (at least) one company which you can backup, and one which you cannot. In that case I would open the working and non-working databases in phpmyadmin in separate windows, and see if any settings differ.

9 (edited by ckrosco 08/15/2013 02:58:44 am)

Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

From the reports in this discussion, it seems to be a size issue. If seahawk could do backup up until a certain date, after which it's not working, and assuming nothing else has changed, it's got to be the size of the database.

I have a test company with very little data, and a real company with ever expanding data. The test company backup function works fine, the other does not. They are on the same database.

Lately I've been using mysqldump, which does both companies in about 3 seconds.

Re: Backups not working 2.3.15

That's what I meant with "its own thing". I do a curl-triggered backup (so that it can be restored from within FA) whenever my daily import script runs, and it does indeed take a few minutes. I expect it to get worse as the database grows, but for now my server doesn't have anything better to do in the middle of the night. (It is clear, however, that I will at some point have to switch to some "external" method of creating the backups.)

I don't know why FA's "create backup" script involves complex queries - and that could well be classified as a bug in itself - but noting that seahawk has the same problem when using tools which do rely on mysqldump, I suggest his problem might actually be with the database settings.