Topic: mails only taking a single character for the recipient

A new install of FA 2.3.15 (created tonight). A working implementation of ssmtp so I can send both via the command line AND via the php mail() function (see below).

When I try and send an invoice by mail, the system responds with:

PURCHASE ORDER 1. Sending document by email failed. Email: s

Where the email is always the first letter of the company contact mail (i.e. the email is s if the mail address is, and y if the email is Looking at the debug log from ssmtp, it is refusing the mail as it can't find a mailbox

If I remove the mail contact, it says:

You have no email contact defined for this type of document for 'Supplier'.

If I have this as a .php file:

$to = "";
$subject = "Test mail";
$message = "Hello! This is a simple email message.";
$from = "";
$headers = "From:" . $from;
echo "Mail Sent.";

I get a mail from with headers/text as you'd expect - so the mail() function is working fine.

It looks like the mail is only taking the first letter of the name. Anyone any ideas?

Re: mails only taking a single character for the recipient

Unfortunatelly there was a bug introduced recently in php mailing code. This is fixed now, and will be available with next release. You can also fix it yourself as explained in this thread.

3 (edited by arad85 02/27/2013 08:54:52 am)

Re: mails only taking a single character for the recipient

Hi Janusz,

itronics wrote:

Unfortunatelly there was a bug introduced recently in php mailing code. This is fixed now, and will be available with next release. You can also fix it yourself as explained in this thread.

No problems - at least it has been fixed and the fix is easy to apply! I couldn't find that issue by searching - my search terms must have been a little off - apologies.

Thanks - and keep up the good work on a great product (just started to use FA).
