1 (edited by jonkjon 03/04/2013 06:27:28 pm)

Topic: Remove database without losing customization

I have been testing FA (latest version) since last week and I like it. However, I think my database is corrupt and I am having issues with adding and printing invoices for new customers. Existing customers seem to be working. I have done quite a bit of customization to the reports and invoices and I don't want to lose that as I have a lot of hours in it. Is there some way I can delete my current database and start with a clean slate without losing all of my customization? Thanks for any help.

Re: Remove database without losing customization

If by "customization" you mean you have edited numerous PHP files, then deleting/recreating the database shouldn't effect that in any way, at least as far as I know.  But, if you have customized the database structure (added tables, fields, etc.), then you've got major problems in deleting/recreating the database.

Awhile back, I tried to modify an SQL script I found somewhere in the forums for "wiping clean" the database for an earlier version of FA.  That attempt failed miserably and totally trashed the database so that I had to start from scratch with a clean install.  Because of that personal experience, I would highly recommend that you do not try to "clean" the database any other way other than using FA itself to make any changes to the database contents.

Hope that's helpful...



Re: Remove database without losing customization

Yes, there is too many relations in database to make safe cleanup  manually. You can eventualy just select one of chart of accounts scripts available from repo, or simply get sql/en_US-new.sql and upload it to database via Backup/Restore Setup menu option. But looking into your another post I guess you have already found another solution smile.

Re: Remove database without losing customization

Thanks for the replies. I didn't actually find a solution, I was just temporarily bypassing it. I thought using the sql/en_US-new.sql restore would be the way to go but, I wasn't sure. Thanks again for the help.