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You should keep the Training Co. to exercise new things.
Create a new company for your own use and use an empty chart of accounts like en_US-new.sql.
Then start by setting up a new fiscal year and edit your Company Setup and all the other setups needed.
Please read the addition to the former sticky topic.
Hello Jason,
We have now changed the Purchasing Pricing so that you can enter up to 6 decimals. This is from CVS Main dated Aug 24, 2009. This will be included in release 2.1.5 that is shipping in a couple of days.
Please read the updated sticky topic in Item and Inventory Forum regarding this.
Thanks for your nice words. Over the time several from the community pave promised to help with the documentations of FA. It certainly lacks some updating.
We try to inform the news in the sticky topics on this forum. There are many features both in the Sales and Purchase modules.
One way to monitor all the implementations would also be to read the CHANGELOG.txt that are included in the installation.
In the CHANGELOG.txt in our CVS on you will be able to see all the upcoming news for release 2.2, that are about to ship in a month or so.
The Deposit and Payments (to cusotmers/suppliers) in Banking & General Ledger are mainly unrelated to specific invoices. You can do a lot more transaction lines here. It is better to use the Customer Payment in Sales and Payment to Supplier in Purchasing for handling invoices.
Have you discovered the Quick Entries? They are good too.
This global variable is used in the file /includes/page/, line 103. It sets the default application tab during the startup. Now it is set to tab "orders", but if you need another tab to be default, you can change it in config.php.
I cannot reproduce this error. Will you please give a little more details? Did you mean that you made a transfer from a foreign bank account into a domestic bank/cash account?
Well, it seems that this might be a really good idea. I will talk to my co-developer, Janusz, about thie.
There are two options here. You can either change the prices when processing the supplier invoice or you can set a total prompt payment discount when you pay your supplier (amount + discount = total payment for allocation).
Yes this was a bug. Fixed in CVS Main trunk. Affected file:
OBS. If you update the complete CVS Main, remember to check your Quick Entries. We had to change the Tax lines to use Tax Type instead of Item Tax Type. Please check your Tax lines in Quick Entry Lines.
Yes, you are right kalido. This was a bug.
The CVS Main trunk has been updated. Affected file:
OBS. If you update all files from CVS Main trunk, don't forget to check your Quick Entries. The Tax lines are now based on Tax Type instead of Item Tax Type. Please correct your Tax Lines.
The new change to Tax Types instead of Tax Group has now been done and committed to CVS Main.
Please remember to change your Quick Entries including tax to the above.
For those of you that downloaded the revision with Tax Groups, please download the affected files:
I am sorry to tell, that we have to change the Tax Group selection to Tax Types. The reason for this is the complexity in the EU and it worked better for this area, using the Tax Types.
The Quick Entries (or manuelly entry of vat accounts) now shows the correct sum in supplier /nvoice/Credit note.
CVS updated. Affected files:
The quick entries have now been changed to use tax groups instead of item tax types. CVS Main trunk updated. Please check/change the quick entry lines that includes tax.
Affected files:
From 2009.08.18 CVS Main trunk update, using a Quick Entry of type Supplier Invoice/Creditnote The tax lines will now be overridden by the Supplier's Tax Group Id.
No, you will have to pay supplier by supplier.
I think I have found the problem of the tax group on a supplier doesn't change.
In the Item Tax Types you should only exempt those tax types that should never be taxed, f.i. manufacturing tax or so. All the various tax rates should be unmarked (unless they REALLY should never be used).
With this change, the tax group will work always.
BUT, the quick entries will not work with this change. They are based on an item tax type and would now include too many lines. Instead this should be changed to be based on the Tax Groups instead.
We are going to fix this in current release.
Hello the-moog.
We are aware of the problem. We are discussing a way of moving the Item Tax Types to use the Tax Groups strictly. And only eventually use an additional tax type on the items (f.i. manufacturing tax).
This would mean that you will have to create a tax type/group for those suppliers/customers having other tax types. And setting this tax group on him (as you do now).
But this change will require a change in the database structure, so it will come in release 2.2 that are shipping in a month or so.
You could upload a file containing the following
Save it as something.php and upload it to the server root.
Then run this script
This will tell you about the php info and if gettext is installed. It looks like it is installed, as you didn't have a sv_SE.php file here.
Try also to empty your internet cache in your browser to see if it helps.
Strange. Are you sure you have php gettext installed on your server. If you don't have it installed, FA creates a php file with the translations text instead. This file might be cashed. Delete this file if so. It is in the same folder as the sv_SE.po file. Then a new file will be created the next time you run FA.
Sorry, I thought you were interested in translating the missing strings. You can do that by downloading a program, called poEdit from . Open the file, sv_SE.po, and start translating, also the fuzzy strings (bad translations).
Ah, we overlapped a bit. Please read the changes to the topic.
You can translate this by using the program poEdit.
The reason for that not having translated these is that they contain accelerator keys (&) in from of the key.
I will prepare a new file, and place it on, languages. It will contain the latest strings up to 2.1.4.
If you translate the po file, please also do the fuzzy translations. They are almost wrongly translated. And please return it to us, when finished.
You can either have double setup of items/customer or let the 1. address line contain the foreign name for the customer. For items you can include both names in the description.
Per definition FA will print the invoice in English if it is in another currency than the company currency.
These texts are in /reporting/includes/ The domestic invoice texts are in /reporting/includes/
You can laborate with these two files to fix this. But you will probably have problems with space for both languages, right?
But certain texts could be fixed that way, I guess.
It is quite simple to create a new fiscal year and you should do that before closing the existing one.
You just create the new fiscal year. After that you enter the Company Setup and choose this new year. When you don't need the old fiscal year you can close it.
Posts found: 4,176 to 4,200 of 4,986