Topic: Purchase tax (VAT)

I think there is a problem with the symantics of purchase tax.

The problem is that items have a tax type, this is OK, but means that you can then only purchase that item from a certain supplier as other suppliers may have a different tax arrangement as they may be in a different state or country.

If the vendors tax group setting is not the same as the items tax type setting then the tax valud on an invoice is set to zero.  It should either be the vendors or the items or ideally a choice of either.

A possible minimal change would be thus:
e.g.  If, for a given item the tax type <> the tax group, then a radio button or combo box allows selection of tax type for each item on the invoice.   The tax value is then an itemised sum of each tax type.

I have reported this in the notes of bug#155 as I think the problem is related.

Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

Hello the-moog.
We are aware of the problem. We are discussing a way of moving the Item Tax Types to use the Tax Groups strictly. And only eventually use an additional tax type on the items (f.i. manufacturing tax).
This would mean that you will have to create a tax type/group for those suppliers/customers having other tax types. And setting this tax group on him (as you do now).
But this change will require a change in the database structure, so it will come in release 2.2 that are shipping in a month or so.


Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

I think I have found the problem of the tax group on a supplier doesn't change.

In the Item Tax Types you should only exempt those tax types that should never be taxed, f.i. manufacturing tax or so. All the various tax rates should be unmarked (unless they REALLY should never be used).

With this change, the tax group will work always.

BUT, the quick entries will not work with this change. They are based on an item tax type and would now include too many lines. Instead this should be changed to be based on the Tax Groups instead.

We are going to fix this in current release.


Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

The quick entries have now been changed to use tax groups instead of item tax types. CVS Main trunk updated. Please check/change the quick entry lines that includes tax.

Affected files:



From 2009.08.18 CVS Main trunk update, using a Quick Entry of type Supplier Invoice/Creditnote The tax lines will now be overridden by the Supplier's Tax Group Id.

Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

The Quick Entries (or manuelly entry of vat accounts) now shows the correct sum in supplier /nvoice/Credit note.
CVS updated. Affected files:


Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

the-moog wrote:

I think there is a problem with the symantics of purchase tax.

The problem is that items have a tax type, this is OK, but means that you can then only purchase that item from a certain supplier as other suppliers may have a different tax arrangement as they may be in a different state or country.

The tax system is somewhat complex, but flexible and proven. It was explained some times on the forum (e.g. here).
Basically the tax calculated is selected as intersection of set of taxes applicable to item and set of taxes applicable to customer/supplier. For instance hypothetical VAT system with 2 rates in internal trade and and special single 1% export tax will have following settings:

. Tax Types defined: VAT 19%, VAT 5% and Export tax  1%
. Some items with Item Tax Type 'Regular' - 19%VAT and 1%export tax (%5VAT exempt)
. Some items with Item Tax Type 'Preferenced' - 5%VAT and 1% export tax (19%VAT exempt)
. Tax Group 'VAT' - includes  types 19%VAT and 5%VAT
. Tax Group 'Export' -  1% export tax

Now, if you sell preferenced goods with lower VAT rate (say food) for domestic customers the result VAT is 5%:
   [5%VAT, 1%Exp] X [5%VAT, 19%VAT] => 5%VAT
For items taxed with regular rate:
   [19%VAT, 1%Exp] X [5%VAT, 19%VAT] => 19%VAT
If you sell regular goods with regular VAT rate to foreign customer the result tax is always 1%:
   [19%VAT, 1%Exp] X [1%Exp] => 1%Exp
   [5%VAT, 1%Exp] X [1%Exp] => 1%Exp

So as you see it works for any customer/supplier/items tax arrangements, providing correct tax setup and this is a reason why the bug report 155 was closed without changes. Maybe this is not straight forward, but it works right for most local tax systems. Surely it needs better documentation than posts on forum smile.


PS The same tax calculations are made for purchases. Let's set Quick Entries aside for later discussion as this is new feature which still varies.

Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

I am sorry to tell, that we have to change the Tax Group selection to Tax Types. The reason for this is the complexity in the EU and it worked better for this area, using the Tax Types.


Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

The new change to Tax Types instead of Tax Group has now been done and committed to CVS Main.

Please remember to change your Quick Entries including tax to the above.


For those of you that downloaded the revision with Tax Groups, please download the affected files:


Re: Purchase tax (VAT)

Yes you are right that the tax system is somewhat complex due to differencies in various legislations. However, FA is flexible enough to handle them all. Before setting up your tax system you should ask an expert for help if you have any doubts.

I will not tell about all the rules around the Globe. It would require several pages of explanation without being complete.
