Ok, then it would be good to reproduce the conditions leading to this problem. This would help find the bug.

Yes, sure. To avoid database inconsistency, transactions should be voided in FA. Direct intervention in db shoul;d be considered last resort, when your  database is inconsistent due to some real bug in FA.


Was the posting entered using Journal Entry page?
Double check journal inquiry date span covers the date of transaction.


(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Sure, thanks.


(44 replies, posted in Announcements)

Well, this is really rare case when you finish invoice entry, and before closing the final screen page (where the links could be) you already have payment on your account smile.

If you are talking about invoicing prepaid orders, you should already have  payment allocated to sales order, then it is automatically rellocated to invoice. But this workflow will be probably available in next major FA release.


(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Then you should probably translate it to something like "(Alt-&D)تحویل مستقیم" which should result in "(Alt-D)تحویل مستقیم" with active Alt-D hotkey. Looking into persian keyboard it looks acceptable. I guess you havn't here anything more suitable e.g. Alt-ق  smile ?


(44 replies, posted in Announcements)

I have not found any issues on Firefox 19.0.2 on Ubuntu.
The issue with first view of Customer Payment without allocatable invoices has been fixed,a nd will be available in next FA minor version.
When invoice is issued with cash type payment terms, the Customer Payment is generated in background and allocated to invoice automatically.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You are right, this is smaller bug. Will be fixed in next minor release.


(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Well, I'm not European Union law specialist, so I'm not sure how the EU directives are applied across various EU countries. As far as I know EU tax law is not applicable directly to companies, which have toso EU companies have to fullfil local requirements, which varies.

EU directives lay down certain end results that must be achieved in every Member State. National authorities have to adapt their laws to meet these goals, but are free to decide how to do so.

This is how EC see this matters (according to the page you have mentioned). Many things you consider mandatory, are not mandatory - at least in Poland - as of January 1th 2013.

Thank you anyway for pointing out all the concerns related to using FA in other EU countries. We wil try address them better in following FA relases.



(7 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I'm not sure what you mean. Just installed the module from repo, and menu link points to right file.

Auto is special reference used for automatically generated background documents (when you remove invoice which has single auto delivery note, the DN will be voided as well for convenience).

If you wish to have control over Delivery Note numbers, just issue Delivery note, then make Sales Invoice against the note.

This has been fixed in repo. Will be available with next minor FA release.


(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Yes, sure. You need to use ampersand before selected letter in the translated string. E.g. translating for  "&Direct Delivery" to "Zamówienie &Bezpośrednie" will result in "Zamówienie Bezpośrednie" menu entry with Alt-B hotkey in polish user interface.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Which tools you have used to export/import data in CSV format?

Strange, this should never happen of course. Do you know exact scenario which resulted in this database inconsistency?

You can remove artifacts of the transaction using phpmyadmin. Assuming you use '0_ prefix on tables, delete following records:
0_debtor_trans:   type=12 and trans_no=5
0_debtor_trans_details: debtor_trans_type=12 and debtor_trans_no=5
0_bank_trans: type=12 trans_no=5



(7 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

You have to activate the extension for every company you want to use it. Prbably you haven't done it.
The link comes in GL menu.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, this can be fixed in po_entry_items.php and cart_class.inc.
But the auto reference is used for GRN/DN/SO/PO created in background for  Direct Invoices. Changing this to regular reference will disable  auto-deleting those auomatic documents on invoice voiding.

If you entry invoice directly without related SO/DN you normally does not care about auto  documents.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

The error message cited means you have probably made incomplete copy.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm curious, what is the aim in nightly removal of any daily changes done in php source code?



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Short answer is no.
FA caches javascript code under company/0/js_cache, but the cahce is cleaned automatically on user login.


(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Sales invoices need a VAT claimable date possibility to make and print legal VAT invoices.

I don't know local belgium regulations which are maybe the most strict in EU, but I have not found 'claimable VAT date' explicitly printed on any invoice issued in Poland, nor recieved form a couple of other EU countries. Yes, in most cases there is a sales date stated on the invoice, which serve as base date to audit the invoice was not issued to late. It is salesman responsibility to issue VAT invoice within allowed time after sales was made. Thereofore I guess FA sales process in current version covers some 95% of sale cases properly (excluding prepayments and intra-EU trade in current version).

Is there a possibility to make a standard booking wich includes all neccasary accounts for repetitive bookings?

Yes, you can use Quick Entries to define repetitive set of postings.

Well, I guess  fighting with modules description in entirely local extensions which are never published is only waste of time. The module description have any real advantage in multi-user environment.


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Payment to invoice allocation cannot be ambigious, so if you would like to allocate many payments you could do it to only against single Sales Invoice. This is rather rare case, and can appear mostly when you make your allocation rarely (and a couple of customer payments waits for allocation). Frankly I'm not sure it is worth complicating user interface to support this rare case. The other, much often  case (single batch payment to many invoices) is fully supported.


(21 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Thanks for explanation.
Regarding VAT claimable date I guess there are changes needed in FA code to make it easier. In customized polish FA version, the VAT date is enterd separately in Purchase Invoice form. This cannot be added in 2.3.x FA version due to development policy, which forbid database scheme changes in minor releases. Will be fixed in 2.4. Before that I guess you can entry purchase invoice at invoice date, and rebook the VAT value via auxiliary account whenever it is  needed.


You have so overcomplicated the installation process, that maybe instead of answering all your questions, I just describe how the latest FA version should be installed on any linux distro (forget FA 2.2. distributed with various linuxes, it is outdated and frankly I have no time for strugging with Debian maintainers to make the frontaccounting package at least installable):

. download latest FA version from sourceforge.net project page;
. unpack the tarball under any document root subfolder (on Ubuntu it can be e.g. /var/www/FA);
. direct your browser to http://localhost/FA/index.php
. read first installer page where all needed  diagnostics info is displayed;
. fix problems listed (if any);
. follow next installer pages until installation is finished;
. login to your new installation with user/pass provided during installation at http://localhost/FA/index.php
. if you still have any problems, ask on forum.

Keep in mind all the files installed need to be accessible by www server user as defined by your distro (it is 'www-data' under Ubuntu). It means you should install all the files with with www-data:www-data wonership, or fix it with chown command.
