Topic: Sales Delivery Note & Packing Slip


There is a bug in "Print Deliveries" report. On both Sales Delivery Note & Packing Slip the delivery No & Packing slip No is showing "auto" instead of actual number.

Re: Sales Delivery Note & Packing Slip

If you create a Direct Invoice, the delivery note and sales order get the reference 'auto'.


Re: Sales Delivery Note & Packing Slip

Hi Joe

Is there any way to get the system generated "order no" or "No" instead of auto?


Re: Sales Delivery Note & Packing Slip

I am leaving office for a holiday. Hopefully Janusz will monitor this.


Re: Sales Delivery Note & Packing Slip

Auto is special reference used for automatically generated background documents (when you remove invoice which has single auto delivery note, the DN will be voided as well for convenience).

If you wish to have control over Delivery Note numbers, just issue Delivery note, then make Sales Invoice against the note.