We have an active UK guy on-board. Mr kerrsmith. Maybe he sees this topic and have the guts to produce such a module.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
We have an active UK guy on-board. Mr kerrsmith. Maybe he sees this topic and have the guts to produce such a module.
Hello again,
This problem has now been fixed. CVS Main trunk updated. Affected file: /taxes/tax_calc.inc.
You can download the file here:
Yes, I see there are some small rounding problems. We changed something here a while ago. I will investigate this.
Normally there are no problems with the tax system. But you must set it up correctly.
Is this a cash sale and are you using a foreign currency bank account for your pos sales?
If there are no tax exempt on the item tax type, the you should see all the taxes in your tax group.
A tax group of more tax types will always trigger all the types inside the tax group unless you put exempt on the items.
Please be more specific.
Regarding the three month reporting period this can be set in Company setup.
You could change the report for VAT, rep709.php. You should include the remainder of the records (cust invoices and supp invoices) and if they are not 0 they should not be included. Something like that, but maybe somebody can help here.
Yes we have to make more check. CVS Main is updated. I sent you an updated file. You can also fetch it here:
----------------- OBS! New File (final rerun) ------------------
We now recalculate all the currency bank accounts belonging to the same GL account. This makes the algorithm much cleaner and easier and safe and the performance should be improved too. So the GL account will always be updated when payments or transfer are done.
When you send customer statements to your customers, you will not filter it by initial period values. You will take all the transactions. You may miss some transactions if you did that.
Hello kerrsmith,
You are absolutely right. It is better using the Carriage account, 5202 for the freight cost of the purchased goods.
This bug is now fixed and the CVS Main repository is updated. Affected file:
If you need this fix asap you can download it here:
I cannot reproce this behavior. Which COA are you using? If you are using one that is not included in the core, then check the Quick Entriy Lines for correct account values. Also check that there is a correct GL account link in your bank account.
We cannot guarantee that the foreign COAs are all correct. You will have to check the values before going live. If you detect error in some COAs we will be glad to update them on the Website download page.
Hello, nucreativa,
Unfortunately your code will not work. You know that there can be several bank accounts belonging to the same GL account. So we can not just calculate the sum from the same period in the GL account. This may fetch to many rows that should not be calculated.
But I have sent you some more check to the former sql statement and asked you to test this.
I guess it will work with these new added checks.
Many webhosts only allow clients to have one MySql database. By using table prefixes, you can have multiple companies inside one database. The first company gets 0_ in front of all the tables, the next company gets 1_ and so on.
You don't need to use this feature, if you can create an unlimited amount of databases. However many like to have all their companies inside one database.
Hello hadi,
When you make a payment to a supplier or get a payment from a customer it is just a simple payment. Allocation mean that you address portion(s) of the payment to various records, most often invoices.
Unsettled transactions are non paid (allocated) records.
Yes, there have from time to time been users interested in developing a simpler payroll module, but I guess it has fallen apart again.
You are most welcome, spott, to write a simple payroll module. And we will assist you as much as we can.
We are, as you know, very busy with the core FA development.
Well, spott. I guess the problem is where you have to minus an amount before doing the calculation.
All the other operations could be done in some way.
Yes, a good idea, kerrsmith. Will you put in on the Wiki to go for 2.3.
I think you have an extreme high exchange rate against the USD. Maybe you should increase the exchange rate digits to 6 or 8 to get a better calculation.
Yes, I know it is already in the Wiki. I wrote it
You can freely experiment with it on the Training Co. Nothing happens as long as you don't process any QE. But you see the behavior.
I suggest you do what can be done and make some instructions to users on how to finish GL entries from the Quick Entries.
You can experiment with the Access Roles in Setup tab.
I can just come up with 2 users, t2webby (Tu Nguyen) and fblaur (Fred Blaur). They are both from Canada.
We have a global wiki here, https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki. It would be smart to update this one instead of using private wikis. It is not complete yet, but it is our intension that when this wiki has majured we will make it downloadable.
You know that you can use this wiki for Help, by setting the url in config.php, right?
Yes, you are right.
The Sales tax should be in a liability group and the Purchase tax could be in the Assets group, but is mostly placed in the liability group to keep these tax accounts together.
The taxes has nothing to do with your profit and loss report. There should be nothing about taxes here.
You owe to the tax authorities The sales tax, and you have an outstanding from the tax authorities for the Purchase tax.
You will see the sales tax and purchase tax when you run a Balance Sheet.
You set the tax included/excluded in the Sales Types in Sales tab.
First you create your tax types, then the tax groups and the item tax types.
And finally you decide how the tax should be handled in the Sales Types.
These Sales Types is set on the Customer. The tax groups is set on the branches.
I hope this info cleaed it a bit.
BTW, we have several advanced users from Canada.
You can use the 4030 Shipping and Handling for this. You should then set this account as the Sales account on the service item for Wire Fee.
The COGS account is only used by the delivering. When delivering the Inventory (for stock items) the Inventory is credited and the COGS account is debited, but this is only for stock items. Service items do not create any GL transactions during delivery.
When you are registering the customer payment you can enter the wire fee (together with other fees) under Bank Charges. These fees are debited the 5690 Interest and Bank fees and credited the bank account you are using.
I hope this make the procedure clear
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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