But your customers must know your bank account and swift information, right?
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
But your customers must know your bank account and swift information, right?
Please follow the instructions in the readme.txt carefully.
If you don't have the custom report on the report menu, then you have done something wrong when editing the reports_custom.
Kalido, have you tried another of the custom reports? And does this work?
Try to set $go_debug to 1 in config.php.
This information is now redundant, thanks to Chaitanya from India. He fixed so it works recursive and you can have all the levels you want.
So when you run the Balance Sheet, PL Statements, you will see them presented correctly.
Thanks for sharing this with us nucreativa.
I couldn't register, but I don't think I will understand the language
Read about translations on the Download - Languages page.
Look into my answer in the previous forums.
You can use the Inventory Adjustment to enter your initial stock balance one by one (in one form).
This will increase the GL Inventory account.
But try to search the forum for this. There are several topics about that.
Look into your subject in the AR forum.
There is no easy way of doing this. But search the forum about this issue. If you can export into a comma separated file from your existent accounting program, you can use some of the modules on the Download - Modul page.
Search for Open Balance or Initial balance in the Forum Search.
We will later try to assembly this issue into the FA Wiki.
Hello again,
Does your supplier use the same currency as your own company? If not, the doctext2.inc texts are used.
I think that in your case, Rod, you could just copy doctext.inc into doctext2.inc so these two files are identical.
The reason for the doctext2.inc not to have gettextizised strings is that most countries not using English as their daily language often use English for export/other currency customers/suppliers.
So if you just copy the original doctext.inc into doctext2.inc and translate the strings in poedit that you need translated, then it should work. At least I hope
Hello rodw.
The strings in doctext.inc should all be surrounded by _("your text").
This is so called gettextizised strings. When poedit extract all the strings for translation it picks up all these texts.
The reason for doctext.inc to have these surroundings is that then it can be used for all translated installations for domestic customer (those with the same currency as the domestic.
The strings in doctext2.inc are NOT surronded by _(""). Therefore these strings is taken as they are.
If you use the same doctext.inc and doctext2.inc, then please backup doctext2.inc. This file will be overwritten when upgrading. After upgrading you will have to restore this file again from your own.
BTW. Happy translating
This has been fixed in the from/to email. The commas in from/to name has been been replaced with a ''.
The CVS Main trunk updated. Affected file: /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc.
You can download the file here:
Please first check which access role is set on the user(s). Then go into Access Setup and select this access role. In Company Maintenance, uncheck the Password changes.
If you want some users to be able to change this, then build another role based on this where this change is allowed. And put this role on the users that should use this role.
Yes, and you got the texts right on screen too.
If you have a lot of exports (currency not like domestic currency) and you want these text to be on documents, then you might change the texts in doctext2.inc.
If you do change this file, please make a backup then, because the doctext2.inc is part of core and will be overwritten when upgrading.
Please try it, and remember: you only need to translate the texts in poedit that you need. Save it and use the two files, en_AU.po and en_AU.mo files when installing the en_AU Language.
And again, please share this with us when done.
Hello Rod,
The doctext2.inc is your document text for export and doctext.inc is for domestic use. In your example maybe the same.
You should consider using the empty.po file and copy it to another place and name it en_AU.po. Then translate it with poEdit. Here you can only translate those texts that are different than the default one, en_GB. The en_US is done the same way.
After done, you should use the Install/Update languages to setup your language file and then select and use it.
And after you have done that, please share it with us.
Fixed in CVS Main. Thanks.
Fixed. New version uploaded with all 10 new security roles and with sys admin role on admin.
Fixed. Default 'password' on admin.
New version uploaded.
There is a description on FA Wiki about 'Work Order, How does this work?'.
There is a description on FA Wiki about 'Work Order, How does this work'. Look under 'Working with FA', Manufacturing, Work Order Entry.
Hello, with the last overhaul of the missing voiding capability of Work Orders Advances (Manufactured), this has been fixed so the advanced productions is now holding all the stock moves from production.
These changes have been committed to CVS Main trunk.
There is also a description on FA Wiki about 'How does this work'. Look under 'Working with FA', Manufacturing, Work Order Entry.
Use the sales order/purchase order inquiries to find it. When found, then click the sales order number. There you should see the invoice.
This has been fixed and CVS Main trunk is updated. There is also an attached file at Mantis.
Thank you for reporting this.
As I mentioned before, you can void the supplier invoice in the Setup tab. And the create a new supplier invoice.
I guess you are running release 2.2.5 or earlier.
Please upgrade to 2.2.6 because we had a bug in 2.2.5 that eliminated the thousand separator. Thank you.
We don't use the time part in FA. Only if it is a timestamp like in audit trail, but this is stamped automatically.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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