1 (edited by rodw 03/01/2010 08:19:46 am)

Topic: Australian Chart of accounts Error

Hi guys I am very excited that I found FrontAccounting today. I have it up on my website and the Aussie Chart of accounts (version 2) installed. Just a couple of notes with this install script though.

1. The script drops the 0_USERS table and installs the author's encrypted user accounts so you are locked out of the system.

2. the script also drops the 0_SECURITY_ROLES table and replaces it with some non standard data so you are locked out again.

These blocks need to be deleted from the file:

### Structure of table `0_users` ###


CREATE TABLE `0_users` (
  `id` smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
  `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `real_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `role_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  `phone` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  `email` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `language` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `date_format` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `date_sep` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `tho_sep` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `dec_sep` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `theme` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'default',
  `page_size` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'A4',
  `prices_dec` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '2',
  `qty_dec` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '2',
  `rates_dec` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '4',
  `percent_dec` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '1',
  `show_gl` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  `show_codes` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `show_hints` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `last_visit_date` datetime default NULL,
  `query_size` tinyint(1) default '10',
  `graphic_links` tinyint(1) default '1',
  `pos` smallint(6) default '1',
  `print_profile` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '1',
  `rep_popup` tinyint(1) default '1',
  `sticky_doc_date` tinyint(1) default '0',
  `startup_tab` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'orders',
  `inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `user_id_2` (`user_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `user_id_3` (`user_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `user_id_4` (`user_id`)

### Data of table `0_users` ###

INSERT INTO `0_users` VALUES ('1', 'demouser', '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'Demo User', '3', '999-999-999', 'demo@demo.nu', 'en_US', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'default', 'Letter', '2', '2', '3', '1', '1', '0', '0', '2008-02-06 19:02:35', '10', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'orders', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_users` VALUES ('2', 'admin', '55f9af63f11ad798e51a8b2fdad65445', 'Administrator', '3', '', 'me@mycompany.au', 'e_US', '1', '0', '0', '0', 'cool', 'A4', '2', '2', '4', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2009-09-02 17:29:20', '10', '1', '1', '', '1', '0', 'orders', '0');
### Structure of table `0_security_roles` ###

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `0_security_roles`;

CREATE TABLE `0_security_roles` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `role` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `description` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `sections` text,
  `areas` text,
  `inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `role` (`role`)

### Data of table `0_security_roles` ###

INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES ('1', 'FA 2.1 Inquiries', 'Inquiries', '768;2816;3072;3328;5632;5888;8192;8448;10752;11008;13312;15872;16128', '773;774;2818;2822;3073;3073;3075;3076;3077;3081;3329;3330;3330;3330;3331;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5633;5633;5640;5889;5891;8193;8194;8194;8450;8451;10753;11009;11010;11012;13313;13315;15873;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES ('2', 'FA 2.1 Accountant', 'Accountant', '512;768;2816;3072;3328;5376;5632;5888;7936;8192;8448;10496;10752;11008;13312;15616;15872;16128', '513;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;769;771;772;773;774;2817;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3073;3074;3075;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3081;3329;3330;3330;3330;3331;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5633;5634;5635;5636;5637;5638;5639;5640;5640;5889;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8194;8195;8196;8197;8449;8450;8451;10497;10753;10753;10754;10755;10756;10757;11009;11010;11010;11012;13313;13313;13314;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15624;15625;15626;15873;15873;15874;15875;15876;15877;15878;15879;15880;15881;15882;16129;16129;16130;16130;16131;16132', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES ('3', 'FA 2.1 System Administrator', 'System Administrator', '256;512;768;2816;3072;3328;5376;5632;5888;7936;8192;8448;10496;10752;11008;13056;13312;15616;15872;16128', '257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;769;770;771;772;773;774;2817;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3073;3074;3075;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3081;3329;3330;3330;3330;3331;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5633;5634;5635;5636;5637;5638;5639;5640;5640;5889;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8194;8195;8196;8197;8449;8450;8451;10497;10753;10753;10754;10755;10756;10757;11009;11010;11010;11012;13057;13313;13313;13314;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15624;15625;15626;15627;15873;15873;15874;15875;15876;15877;15878;15879;15880;15881;15882;16129;16129;16130;16130;16131;16132', '0');

Now all I have to do is sort out Tom's osCommerce import script before I enter some data smile

Cheers guys


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

Fixed. New version uploaded with all 10 new security roles and with sys admin role on admin.
Fixed. Default 'password' on admin.
New version uploaded.


Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

joe wrote:

Fixed. New version uploaded with all 10 new security roles and with sys admin role on admin.
Fixed. Default 'password' on admin.
New version uploaded.


Thanks Joe, just wondering if it makes sense to overwrite the security settings at all?

Wouldn't most users install the software which creates the user accounts and then run the SQL scripts? That is the path I took.

Also noticed a few of your suppliers remain in the system as well. I did retain OfficeWorks!

Now I just have to work out how to make the GST calculate by default. It did not seem to be doing that when I raised an invoice. First live transaction was a P/O in GBP which worked ok but did my head in for tonight!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error


Once I got my head around the scripting, I knocked up revised text for the reports by modifying doctec.inc and doctext2.inc to account for GST and ABN numbers. It seems that doc text2.inc is the one that is used in my default installation.

Would it be worth including these files with your chart of accounts? That basically will completly Australianise this software.

Here they are here http://www.vehiclemods.net.au/docs/doctext.zip

Not sure if anything else need altering. I have not tested every document type yet but looks pretty good to me.



Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

Hello Rod,

The doctext2.inc is your document text for export and doctext.inc is for domestic use. In your example maybe the same.
You should consider using the empty.po file and copy it to another place and name it en_AU.po. Then translate it with poEdit. Here you can only translate those texts that are different than the default one, en_GB. The en_US is done the same way.
After done, you should use the Install/Update languages to setup your language file and then select and use it.

And after you have done that, please share it with us.


Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

joe wrote:

Hello Rod,

The doctext2.inc is your document text for export and doctext.inc is for domestic use. In your example maybe the same.
You should consider using the empty.po file and copy it to another place and name it en_AU.po. Then translate it with poEdit. Here you can only translate those texts that are different than the default one, en_GB. The en_US is done the same way.
After done, you should use the Install/Update languages to setup your language file and then select and use it.

And after you have done that, please share it with us.


I had a quick look at empty.po and googled poedit. Are you saying that by changing the language file, nothing need to be changed in the .inc files I edited so they should be reset to the default files?

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

Yes, and you got the texts right on screen too.

If you have a lot of exports (currency not like domestic currency) and you want these text to be on documents, then you might change the texts in doctext2.inc.
If you do change this file, please make a backup then, because the doctext2.inc is part of core and will be overwritten when upgrading.

Please try it, and remember: you only need to translate the texts in poedit that you need. Save it and use the two files, en_AU.po and en_AU.mo files when installing the en_AU Language.

And again, please share this with us when done.


Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

Joe, I will try and do this when I get time. For us Aussies, the main thing is to get the text on the invoices correct as there are legal obligations. There is not much text that needs changing. The screen prompts hardly need altering but would mostly be altering references to VAT to GST becasue the chart of accounts covers off most things via tax codes.

The other thing I found last night (finally !!!!)  is the the Australian banking standards  for direct entries. Files in this format allow you to upload payments to your credirtors via online banking systems.

I used to have this years ago in a banking system help file but once gone, it was almost impossible to rediscover. The file format is pretty trivial; fixed length ASCII format with a header and footer row.

Years ago, I created a report in this format using Crystal Reports which worked very well. I am not a PHP coder but it would be great if somebody with more experience could take this on board and create an Aussie Direct Debit Module for FrontAccounting smile I would be happy to assist in this project. I'll post up some details tonight.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

joe wrote:

And again, please share this with us when done.



I have emailed my Australian translation to the official email address. It did not take long and have done a little bit of fine tuning while using it pretty extensively over the last couple of days.

I have left doctext2.inc alone now and reverted it to the default settings.

It will be great to have this available to other users.

I am happy to help out further with this if some tuning is required

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Australian Chart of accounts Error

I have answered your mail, Rod, The en_AU translation is uploaded to sourceforge.net.
