
(6 replies, posted in Translations)

Yes, ata, this seems to be the problem pointed out by rthor. Delete the Language Installation and do a Language Install with the correct files. .po and .mo files. Hopefully it will work then.
Sometime it helps logging out and in again after the language install.
If you still have problems, then run a Systems Diagnostics, found on the Setup tab on FrontAccounting. Paste it here so we can see if there are other problems.


Maybe you can use some of the downloadable reports from Download Reports page.



(7 replies, posted in Dimensions)

If you still get this error after logging out and in again, please set the global variable $go_debug in config.php to 1. This will capture eventually warnings/errors.



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

While this is a typical 'own' report, you can use the same technique as the reports on the download Reports page. You have probably 3 fixed locations and this make sense for you to have such a report.
Hopefully someone have the resource to help you.



(7 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Yes, sure, just add one more level in the Company Setup.



(7 replies, posted in Setup)

To have serious data, you should start with an empty Chart of Accounts, as en_US-new.sql or one of the charts in the download section.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You can have as many sales prices and sales types as you need. But not discounts based on quantity.


You can navigate to Banking and General Ledger tab and select Reports. Then you can run a Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss Statement.

There are also other reports for download in the download reports section.



(7 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Please check your tax groups and/or item tax types to see which tax types are included. The tax groups can be found on the Setup tab.


I will remove them from Print Statements. The other reports are local and would be good to see.


You are right. The problem is that there was no Points of Sales setup before using the Direct Invoice. This information was also missing in the Setting Up in the Wiki. This has been entered now.

You can void the Direct Invoice in Setup tab, Void Transaction. Fix the Point of Sales and reenter the Invoice.

We will have to fix this check also.


The method described by rodw, will be an option (config.php) in release 2.3 that are about to ship primo June.



(8 replies, posted in Reporting)

If you want to do this, then consider using assembly instead.



(17 replies, posted in Reporting)

No, this is not possible. You can use 2 different references, but in this case you will have to keep track of the increments yourself.



(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Please use the Inventory Sales Report. It is selectable by start and end date and can be filtered by location, category and customers.


Ok, you just create the item as a service item. You can still buy this service item from a supplier. And the purchase is booked directly against COGS account (or whatever account you set in the item as purchase account).



(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

It is planned to be downloadable when the project is more majure. There is still a lot to be done on the wiki.
Until then you may put your link to this one.


Hello Digger, if you try these operations on the demo site,  you will see that all you asked for is possible. Please try for yourself smile.

However, if you go direct to the Supplier Invoice without PO, you can only enter GL entry lines. But this is possible in release 2.3.



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I would recommend using the class cart, in /sales/includes/cart_class.inc, explained by Janusz.

Simply include this file and create an object of this class. And then fill this object with your invoice details and item lines. You can see ,in /sales/sales_order_entry.php, how to fill the items and invoice details and finally how to save the object with the write method.
This way you are using the internal core of FA to get everything updated, including (invoice, debtor trans, delivery, sales order, GL transactions etc.). So by studying this file, you will see how to do it.

This is much better than trying to explain how everything is connected in DB.
If you are curious about this, however, there is an ER-diagram and Table scheme for download on the download documentation page.


You will have to login as superadmin (login as admin on your first company, often the Training Co.)


It seems that the file /reporting/includes/tcpdf.php is broken. Please replease this file with a fresh one from CVS repository or installation package.


It seems that directory /company/6 is write protected. Enable it and try copy the files from company/0 into this folder. You should make /company folder and all subfolders write enabled.


You will have to make a join to the cust_branch table and the salesman table in the SQL statements in rep101.php. Then you should add a parameter in reports_main.php for rep101.php, Sales Person, and in the report rep101.php add a parameter for the salesman to the SQL functions.
If you cannot do that yourself, you can try to ask for help in the Jobs Wanted / Offered Forum.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Strange, I can not reproduce this error. Something seems to be out of sync, in including the config.php.
Do you see something strange in the error_log?



(0 replies, posted in Announcements)

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