I have an updated Customer_Import... how do I upload to th site?
327 04/13/2009 10:50:16 am
Re: osCommerce (59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)
Here is the osCommerce SQL to dump items.
I may not be able to use this directly, because I will need to figure out my units
SELECT p.products_model, pd.products_name, cd.categories_name, 'each', 'B', 'USD', p.products_price
products p left join products_description pd on p.products_id =
pd.products_id and pd.language_id = 1 left join products_to_categories pc
on p.products_id =
pc.products_id left join categories_description cd on pc.categories_id =
cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = 1 where p.products_status = 1
I also have a number of sales kits I need to remove and add by hand
328 04/12/2009 01:22:52 pm
Re: osCommerce (59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)
Here is the osCommerce SQL to dump the customer list in the import format
SELECT c.customers_id, CONCAT(c.customers_firstname, ' ', c.customers_lastname) , b.entry_street_address, b.entry_suburb, concat(b.entry_city, ', ', if (b.entry_zone_id = 0, b.entry_state, z.zone_code)), concat(' ', b.entry_postcode), '', concat(' ', c.customers_telephone), '', c.customers_email_address, '', '', 'USD', if (b.entry_zone_id = 0, '', z.zone_name) FROM customers c left join `customers_info` i on c.customers_id = i.customers_info_id left join address_book b on c.customers_default_address_id = b.address_book_id left join zones z on zone_id = b.entry_zone_id where `customers_info_date_of_last_logon` > '2007-1-1' or `customers_info_date_account_created` > '2007-1-1'
I see that FA requires names to be unique, have to watch that during import.
osCommerce used the email address as the key.
I have duplicate names, mostly from people changing email addresses, but I do have 2 customers with the same name! - I will have to edit them to make then unique...
I also added the Tax Group on the SQL, I am going to modify the import script to use it if it is there.
329 04/11/2009 05:00:09 pm
Re: Customer Branch Edit (6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
I agree.
Thanks for helping me understand it better.
330 04/11/2009 04:59:01 pm
Re: osCommerce (59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)
I was trying to automate that part, but since there will be other manual steps, I think you are right. I will look into it.
I am sure I will ask for help...
Are there any other modules that create SO's?
I will browse the modules
331 04/11/2009 01:19:13 pm
Topic: osCommerce (59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)
This seems a more logical place to continue this topic...
What is the best way to have osCommerce and FA interface?
I am inclined to want to have them on the same server with different databases.
Is there any advantage to having them in the same database? (locking for updates?)
I would prefer not having them on different servers, since the problems of what to do when the other is down...
332 04/11/2009 01:10:39 pm
Re: Customer Branch Edit (6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
Modifying addresses in customer/branch sales order delivery address unless you reedit SO.
In fact algorithm of selection of delivery address on new SO is quite logical:
- select branch mailing address if not empty
- select branch billing adress if not empty
- select company address
That's all.
That makes sense. but since osCommerce does much of the same logic, I will have all three addresses (generally the same) and it is far simpler
logic to fill them in all the time... (Customer/Company Address, Billing Address, Shipping Address)
tom wrote:I am just looking for any bad things that could happen by doing things this way...
All should work right. The only problem can be changed branch address between sales order is received and moment of delivery. In this case all not delivered sales orders should be updated.
Yes and I take that to be bad, so it makes sense to only allow FA to make changes to SO or Customer Branches, etc
I guess you mean customers not users? You can use 'Retail' customer with many branches, or you can create unique customer record for every your client. The first option cannot be used for multiply companies because GST number is stored in customer, not in branch record. For retail customers GST number is obsolete.
Yes I did mean Customers.
One thing I did notice, the Customer's Address does not have a Tax Group associated with it, so I will need at least one Branch for each customer.
No big deal, just my observation.
In my case I do not sell my products for re-sale, so every customer is a Retail Customer.
But I do want to make any code I write general enough so others can use it too...
333 04/10/2009 11:00:18 pm
Re: Customer Branch Edit (6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
Ok maybe I misspoke...
I just did some more testing and I see that if I change the address in the branch it does not effect the Sales Order.
So what effect will modifying the Branch have on any current or past sales orders (or invoices or...)?
I saw the "Retail Customers" in the demo an have considered putting all the web orders under a single FA customer and using the branches for each individual osC customer address.
And if the customer changed their address, I was going to update their FA Customer Branch accordingly.
I am just looking for any bad things that could happen by doing things this way...
If this will work, then I just need to have the osC 'order process' generate a sales order and then the normal FA interface can be used for the rest of the process.
I am very content to continue to use osC to interface with the customer because that works well. I need FA to track the *rest* of the business!
Upon thinking about it more...
I can not think of a good reason to not create a FA user for each osC user
(except maybe lazyness LOL)
At that point I might as well create Branches on the fly as Ship To addresses
change... which it typically rare with my customer base
It then may make the most sense to do everything from the Order Process function in osCommerce.
That may keep things simpler in the long run...
ps. let me know if there is a better place to discuss this kind of thing
334 04/10/2009 01:33:17 pm
Topic: Customer Branch Edit (6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
I am starting to examine how to interface between osCommerce and FA.
I noticed that you can not delete a Customer Branch that has 'customer transactions' or 'sales orders' in the database.
I also see that there are no restrictions on how you can edit the branch
I think that is may be valid to edit most anything while the order is being handled,
but once the sales order is closed/delivered/etc it should be copied for future preservation.
What would it mean if I took a sales order that shipped to branch in the UK and then the following week that address book entry (branch) was edited to be in New York City?
Would the old sales order now display NYC with taxes collected to UK?
In osCommerce that is what we did with everything, including product descriptions, prices, taxes, etc.
sales_orders_details appears to not depend on other tables, but sales_orders
does refer to a few others.
335 04/10/2009 02:35:55 am
Re: currency format with three decimal (1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
Try SETUP->Display Setup
336 04/02/2009 07:27:35 pm
Re: Items and Purchasing Pricing (4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
Ok Thanks!
I will likely do the manufacturing process and then when we get PO Units recalc I will be able to drop that step.
Now on to filling orders!
I am sure I will have more questions... but as always I try to ask questions verbose enough to provide help to other people
337 04/02/2009 11:08:23 am
Re: Items and Purchasing Pricing (4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
"scenario you describe is best"
I assume you mean a manufacturing process.
I still think I am missing something:
Selected Product: BLANK CD (Q=1)
Supplier Purchasing Data
Price: $24.00
Suppliers Unit of Measure: 24
Conversion Factor (to our UOM): ???
Supplier's Code or Description: CDRW-24
It just seems to me to be such a common activity that we should be able to do this purchasing directly:
If my supplier has a case of 24 "Supplier Code" CDRW24 at a Price of $24 (ie $1 each) and a supplier unit of measure 24
(not sure what to do with Conversion Factor)
When receiving this product the system could add 24 Blank CD's to inventory
Is a manufacturing process the only way?
(ie- is opening a box of 24 items and putting them on the shelf considered a manufacturing process?)
338 04/02/2009 02:44:46 am
Topic: Items and Purchasing Pricing (4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
I have tried a number of combinations of Purchasing Pricing, Supplier Quantity and Conversion to our UOM but have been unable to get the following to happen:
Let's say I have 5 Blank DVDs in Stock and I purchase a 24 DVD package, I would like to have the DVD stock increase 24 to 29 total after I receive that product and close the PO.
Or do I need to define a manufacturing process that will convert a 1 - Case of DVD(24) into 24 DVDs
What is the right way?
In my real application I buy 50 lbs of material and sell it in 1/4, 1/2 and 1lb packages.
Can I define a product of be .25 LB of a product?
Will I need to define a manufacturing process to make the smaller packages?
I am finally getting to the point where I can see how most of my processes will work!
339 03/31/2009 11:42:53 am
Re: using partial items in BOM (4 replies, posted in Manufactoring)
I think it would help some people (including ME ) if the demo data included purchasing in case quantities for maybe the CD ROM drive or something new.
There may be other features that could be better explained via the demo
I would be happy to work with someone to set up some examples I can understand (then *anyone* should be able to)
340 03/28/2009 03:43:02 pm
Re: Practical Questions (9 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
That is very good to hear.
I will dig into it and see what notes I can come up with
341 03/28/2009 12:15:52 pm
Re: Practical Questions (9 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
I too am interested in osCommerce interfacing.
I looked at the API document, I was hoping for APIs like add_customer and add_customer_branch, add_order etc
In osCommerce there is heavy use of Classes and the class functions are called from the web pages and the webpages only focused on display.
The class functions provided the API for any caller, making add-on modules
and the like much easier.
From the looks of the directory structure classes are not used here...
that mans when table changes are made each php file that uses that table needs to be updated... hopefully I am wrong...
342 03/27/2009 10:25:19 pm
Re: Importing via CSV - Exposed ! (6 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
Is this the file you are talking about?
https://frontaccounting.com/wbt/modules … hp?file=92
It has the CVSImporting.txt file but the xls file only has sheets for manufacturer and workcenters.
No Items
Is there an easy way to import items?
I only have maybe 100 items so I can do it manually...
(edit) I found another thread dealing with this, and links to the docs
343 03/27/2009 07:53:11 pm
Re: using partial items in BOM (4 replies, posted in Manufactoring)
I have a similar problem.
I can buy an item in case quantities or as single units.
In my manufacturing process I cut them in 1/2 to make a finished product.
I also purchase bulk product (20kg or 44lbs and in some cases 50lbs)
and sell 1/4, 1/2, 1lb units
What is the best way to do these?
344 03/27/2009 06:21:26 pm
Topic: [Suggestion] Tax Groups (0 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
When entering tax groups ti may be easier to have the entry/modification boxes above the Tax Group List
Now I am having to scroll to the bottom of the screen to enter the tax fields
Also In the summary list, it might be nice to include a RATE column that is the sum of all the taxes in the group,
right now you need to click edit to see the various rates (looking for typos)
ps. Now a Bug, the 47th Tax Group does not display on fa/taxes/tax_groups.php
after adding a couple they are now showing up
345 03/27/2009 06:04:48 pm
Re: Tax Types and GL Accounts (5 replies, posted in Setup)
t sounds like a retailer may have to pay some VAT on the goods they purchase for resale and then that need to be able to offset what they have already paid vs what they collect from the customer.
(Am I guessing correctly?)
Generally in the US we file as tax exempt and then pay the taxes on any goods we consume.
My wife (for example) pays sales tax of List price and then if she sells anything at a discount she needs to request a refund of the difference.
You are being very helpful
346 03/27/2009 04:56:37 pm
Re: Tax Types and GL Accounts (5 replies, posted in Setup)
Ya know I got distracted with the GL account numbers...
My real question is:
Why are there TWO GL accounts associated with a Tax Type?
FA calls them SALES and PURCHASING
How are they used?
347 03/27/2009 11:37:33 am
Topic: Account Code 2? (2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
What is Account Code 2 used for?
348 03/27/2009 11:12:36 am
Topic: Tax Types and GL Accounts (5 replies, posted in Setup)
When creating Tax Types there are 2 GL Accounts, Sales and Purchasing.
And in the Trading Co, they are both under Accounts Payable.
But (confused) one is named VAT IN and the other VAT OUT
Sales collects tax which needs to be sent to the proper tax collector and it is not our money so I guess I can see it going directly into an A/P account
But Purchasing pays tax on consumables and that is an expense, I can see that there could be reasons for keeping track of taxes paid for other reasons, but not in an A/P account.
Why isn't it set to an Expense account?
349 03/27/2009 10:34:54 am
Re: varying sales tax for a supplier/customer (15 replies, posted in Setup)
So it seems I will have 6 Tax types
FL @ 6% and 5 for the various surcharges used within the state
and then 68 Tax Groups, one for each of the 67 counties
Pasco County (FL 6% + Surcharge 1%)
and one for the rest of the world (Exempt)
And I see how I can link the Customer Branch to the proper Tax Group
ok and I see the Item Tax type can be used to tax different items at different rates (or exempt)
(I am enumerating al this in hopes of the example being useful to others)
I think 'Taxes' should be changed to 'Tax Yypes'
350 03/27/2009 03:59:10 am
Re: varying sales tax for a supplier/customer (15 replies, posted in Setup)
Ok I am a programmer, not an accountant.
I am in the USA and I have to collect Sales Tax.
All of my sales are from my website running osCommerce.
It correctly collects sales tax based upon the delivery address.
I do not see how that can be implemented in FA.
I do see Addng a Customer Account and then Adding a Customer Branch, but there it seems I would need to know what the Tax rates is for each customer.
The tax collected is State (6%) and then an optional County (0% to 1.5% surcharge)
Since my long term goal is to have osCommerce feed sales and customer information to FA maybe my answer is to use the osc tax name (FL - Pasco) as a tax group name and be able to look that up when a customer is created. (Florida has 60+ counties!)
Are the Customer Branches basically SHIPPING Addresses that customer uses?