
(10 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Can't you just export the reports to Excel (Destination)?



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

It should work allright. Maybe you should upgrade to 2.3.3.


Yes, it should. I can not reproduce this. Which release are you running?



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

This would have been the easiest way for us to display the reports, but in accordance to inaccuracy in the html formatting, we have decided to use PDF for our reports. It is also easier to make uniformed hard copies of the reports this way.



(23 replies, posted in Misc. Charts of Accounts)

I have answered you directly. We should try to convert this into a SQL script file. If you have the opportunity you should make a backup of the client that is using this COA and send me this backup SQL script.

I will then send it to the global repository.


Please, do that. I would be grateful for this.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

By unchecking the 'Popup Window' in Preference (Display setup), the PDF reports are display in another tab.



(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

If you haven't done any operations on the items, you can use phpMyAdmin and load your database and go into X_stock_master (where X_ is the company table prefix, if any).
Find the items you want to change. Click the pencil in front and change the letter B to M in the field mb_flag.
After you have done that enter FA and check that the GL accounts for the changed items are correctly set.

You should now be able to create BOM and work orders for the items.



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hello Hocus,
This seems to be a very valuable report. I will include a report in the Sales tab and call it Sales Summary Report. The selection dates will follow the tax period and the headers will be 'Customer' 'Tax Id', 'Total ex. Tax' 'Tax', 'Tax Group'.

This report will be good for other purposes too, I guess.

I will prepare it, and send you the 2 files needed for testing.



(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You can install theme exclusive. This theme has vertical submenus. The problem with the vertical menus is that it will take space from many of the larger forms and inquiries.


You can merge your existing .po file with the empty.po (from the new release) file with msgmerge.

Or, if you are using poEdit, you can load your .po file and select 'Catalog', 'Update from pot-file'. Select All files as filter and navigate to the empty.po file and select this one.
Now the merge will take place and you see all your new strings. Translate the new strings and save your work. The .mo file is created when you save.

That is all there is smile

BTW. Please share the new files with us.

You have put this item in dual places. See the answer under Accounts Payable.


When creating the PO you will have a link to email the order.
If you want to do this later you will have to go to the Supplier Reports and select the PO and select Email.
In both cases you must have a valid email set on the supplier.

The pdf file is scrambled when normal printing, but you can save it as a file and in the pdf reader you can possible also email it. But you don't have the automatic interphase then.


Thanks. The HG repository is updated in a while.
You can change the following in /admin/users_db.inc, line 148, show_users_online:
Add $db as global.
Add || !isset($db) in the first long line of restrictions. This eliminates the problem.


Hello Brendan,

We have an ambition to make the SQL compatible with mysql, postgres and MS Sql Server. We have a project planning to go into release 2.4 (next major release). This work is in final progress but stalled a bit due to heavy work with release 2.3.3.
The test runs fine on all these DBs, but some minor fixes are to be done.
So either stay put, or make your own approach. You do as you please.


You can merge your existing .po file with the empty.po (from 2.3.3) file with msgmerge.
Or, if you are using poEdit, you can load your .po file and select 'Catalog', 'Update from pot-file'. Select All files as filter and navigate to the empty.po file and select this one.
Now the merge will take place and you see all your new strings.

BTW. Please share the new files with us.

Implemented and going to release 2.3.4. HG repository updated.


Yes, sure it might be a good idea. I will have a look at it.


Jujuk, please try for yourself on the Training Co. I have not heard of problems here. I am busy with the release of 2.3.3.


Jujuk, I cannot reproduce this. I cannot find the value $320 anywhere in my listing.
I started with B $100, C $100 and D $20. That gives a total value of A $220.
The first production gives a value of $220, the second production gives a value of $220 and after delivering a GL of $220 credit.

So everything is right. There must be something else influensing this.


Hello Jujuk,

Please try to be a little more detailed when illustrating the case. We have worked hardly on the average material costing lately, together with Chaitanya from India. So I really hope this works now.



(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

Yes, we are releasing 2.3.3 today and it is included here.


If you enter Supplier Invoice (on the right side of the Purchase tab) and select the supplier, you will see received items. You can remove the line(s) that were included in the wrongly entered GRN. You must have access to this (you probably already have).
By removing the line(s) it will dispear and the GL transactions will be counterbooked.
This should cure it and you can enter the GRN under the correct fiscal year.

The bug is fixed and will be included in 2.3.3


You should not be allowed to enter a supplier invoice on a closed year. This is a bug. Thanks.


Well, if you have sophisticated subgrouping under Expense, then create another group with a higher ID than Expense and call this group Net Result or something. Change the group for account year p/l result to this new one. Then everything will be shown correctly.
