Topic: UK VAT returns

Just been setting up FrontAccounting and must say am very impressed with what I have seen so far.

Have one problem though.  I know the topic of UK VAT has been discussed before and in fact because we file on an accrual basis I think we can get round this without too much difficulty.

However, we export most of our products many to VAT registered companies in the EU. For these we have to file a separate Sales List which just lists the VAT number and total sales value for each customer during a three month period.

I can't see a way of achieving this simply without going into the black hole (for me) of SQL.  We can nearly get there by creating an EC tax group and a dimension.  Then, by doing a GL transaction query we get individual sales lists.  The only problem is that it lists each invoice line rather than just the total for each customer and in addition I can't find any way of including the shipping charge.  Adding a column with the VAT number shouldn't be a problem (I hope) but any help on how to achieve what we want would be a help.

Great product though.

Re: UK VAT returns

Hello Hocus,
This seems to be a very valuable report. I will include a report in the Sales tab and call it Sales Summary Report. The selection dates will follow the tax period and the headers will be 'Customer' 'Tax Id', 'Total ex. Tax' 'Tax', 'Tax Group'.

This report will be good for other purposes too, I guess.

I will prepare it, and send you the 2 files needed for testing.


Re: UK VAT returns

joe wrote:

This seems to be a very valuable report. I will include a report in the Sales tab and call it Sales Summary Report. The selection dates will follow the tax period and the headers will be 'Customer' 'Tax Id', 'Total ex. Tax' 'Tax', 'Tax Group'.

This report will be good for other purposes too, I guess.

I will prepare it, and send you the 2 files needed for testing.


For Belgium I need about the same report for EU costumers and EU suppliers sorted by tax group. Report must include company name, Vat number, total excl Vat for each invoice, total excl for each company, total excl for each taxgroup for the selected period.
For VAT declaration purposes I need a report-generator for GL accounts. Just totals for the period for all selected GL accounts necessary for VAT report. Is there a report-generator available in FA to make and safe personalised reports?
If GL accounts could be linked to VAT-groups and -types, just for reporting, all reporting problems for EU VAT regulations can be solved I think. Belgian GL accounts are ordered and numbered for making annual reporting easy but this way they are not ordered correctly for VAT declaration. It's an official account chart and may not be changed.