Your SOAP API has now been placed on our Download Release 2.3 page. We have reorganized our downloads quite a bit now, so it should be more user friendly.

Please don't forget to send me a company logo and short description of your company for publishing on our partner page.



(18 replies, posted in Setup)

It doesn't seem to be uploaded to the repository. I can't find any COA for Italy. If you have any, please tell me.


Very good tclim. Thank you so much for your decision. We appreciate. Please send your logo and text to our partner site smile



(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

When you create a direct invoice, a delivery is created in the background. These background documents get the reference 'auto'. As you don't use them, just let them be.


Instructions from Janusz

If you want use the module only locally, there is no need for _init directory at all. If extension is of type theme, chart, language, or it contains only additional reports there is even no need for hooks.php file. For any more complex extension module you have to create hooks.php file containing class definition 'hooks_name_of_the_package' derived from hooks class found in includes/hooks.php. Methods of this class (if defined) are used for module integration with various FrontAccounting parts. Most important hooks are:
* install_tabs() - adds new tabs in FA menu;
* install_options() - adds option to various FA menus;
* install_access() - allow additional permission levels to be defined for module's pages;
* install_extension() - called on extension installation;
* activate_extension() - called when extension is activated for selected company.

All the available hook methods are described in includes/ file, and the hook files bundled with extensions in FA central repo can be used as examples.

If you create extension which you want to be placed in central FrontAccounting repository, you should create only single additional _init/config file containing following information used during install/preview:

Package: single_word_package_name
Version: 2.3.4
Name: One line description  of the package
Description: Longer description of the package content. Can be 
 continued on following lines providing the first char in line is space.
Author: name and <email of the author>
Maintenance: name and email of current maintainer (or the author)
Homepage: address of related www page
Type: extension or chart or language or theme
InstallPath: modules/folder_name

That's all. Before the package is placed in repository we make some rough code audit and create all the other needed auxiliary files, so you can don't care about them.



(9 replies, posted in Wish List)

These attachment links have now been added after Sales Invoice, Sales Credit, Inventory Adjustments, Work Order entry (assemble), Bank Payments and Journal Entry. These should be the most popular places.
Before it was already added for Supplier Invoice and Supplier Credit.

Tell me if you need more places.

The HG repository has been updated and the changes will go to minor release 2.3.5.



(9 replies, posted in Wish List)

I guess you mean attaching documents from all input forms like Sales Invoice, Journal entry etc. just like after Supplier Invoice, right?


Are there any chance that you will let the REST Webservice API as GPL in some version (LGPL or so).

This would even inspire others to make bridges.

Best regards


I cannot reproduce this. ST_SUPPCREDIT (21) types are included correctly here.

Please try this SQL statement directly in your phpMyAdmin.

    IF(trans_type=11 || trans_type=20 || trans_type=0,-1,1)*
    IF(trans_type=2 || trans_type=10 || (trans_type=0 AND amount<0)
         || trans_type=11, net_amount*ex_rate,0) net_output,

    IF(trans_type=11 || trans_type=20 || trans_type=0,-1,1)*
    IF(trans_type=2 || trans_type=10 || (trans_type=0 AND amount<0)
         || trans_type=11, amount*ex_rate,0) payable,

    IF(trans_type=11 || trans_type=20,-1,1)*
    IF(trans_type=2 || trans_type=10 || (trans_type=0 AND amount<0)
         || trans_type=11, 0, net_amount*ex_rate) net_input,

    IF(trans_type=11 || trans_type=20,-1,1)*
    IF(trans_type=2 || trans_type=10 || (trans_type=0 AND amount<0)
         || trans_type=11, 0, amount*ex_rate) collectible,
        FROM 0_tax_types ttype,
             0_trans_tax_details taxrec
            AND taxrec.trans_type != 13
            AND taxrec.tran_date >= '2011-05-01'
            AND taxrec.tran_date <= '2011-05-31'

You may need to change the tran_date period. Here you should see the trans_type 21 (ST_SUPPCREDIT).


This is highly interesting, tclim. I have looked at both the Portal with vtiger etc. and the Accounting Mobile Edition. Both look promissing.

Tell me if you want us to place a link on the Partner page at our Website, with a logo and description. You can address me directly with this.



(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

There is only a minimal POS feature, under Setup tab, in FA.

If you need further options, you may search the forum for ideas about this.


Sorry, by simple assembly I meant Assembly.
Yes you should create new unit of measures and use these.

The Assembly is not the quite the same as the Advances Manufacturing. Just like is says, assembles some items.

Yes, you need to create a BOM for them, but you only have to do that once.



(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

No, we are using Mercurier (HG) now:



(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Oh, there is a bug in the calculation of balance for dimensions. There was a double db_escape in /dimensions/includes/ Fixed in HG repository.
There was also a bug in /dimensions/view/view_dimension.php. Changing the dates here didn't process a new query. Fixed in HG repository.

Thanks for reporting this.



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

I guess this has been fixed, or at least it is fixed in the HG repository and will come in next minor release 2.3.5.



You should create an Item, pens, and use the Inventory adjustment (or POs) to add your stock of pens.

You can use manufacturing simple assembly to create your various boxes. And for every box you create a bom. Then create work orders as you need them.

Every time you create a work order, the pens are reduced from stock and the new box is increased.

If you have a Training Co. you can experiment with this until you are satisfied.



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You are using the 'Search Customer List' that is enabled in Company Setup, Setup tab.
If you don't have that many customers you can unmark this Search and everything works 'normally'.


No it is not. The delivery phase is called with reference 'auto' . During the delivery the GL transactions for inventory and COGS are done as well as the stock moves outwards.
You don't have to use the deliveries to anything further. They occupy a transaction record in debtor_trans table.


Under the Salesman, in Sales tab, you can set the salesman to 0%. Breakpoint 1000 and then 1%. Further operations are not possible.

If you want more sophisticated sales reports you can select the Excel as destination and use columns for further calculations.


The script file en_US-new.sql is empty for transactions. Only the Chart of Accounts and a couple of managed records, that are easily changed.

I don't know why your script-file is filled with transactions. Are you sure you didn't use the en_US-demo.sql, whitch is meant as a training script?



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Getting serious Dimension reports can not be done with use of dynamic dimensions. To get correctly P&L stqatements you must have the transactions sequential on the line (or in a table of its own with secondary keys).
Account - Dimension 1 - Dimension 2. Transactions belonging to Level 1, Dimension 1, and Level 2, Dimension 2 must be on the same transaction line and the account must be here too.

It would require enormous recursions with multi level of parents. And it would be impossible to handle these operations in the various forms.


Balance Accounts always shows Opening Balances from previous year, where Income/Expense accounts always shows Opening Balances from the fiscal year begin.

We had a bug in the Trial Balance Report a while ago regarding the totals, but this is fixed now.



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

For SME sized companies 2 dimensions are more than adequate. You can get a lot of GL reports where you can get the result on 2 levels.
If you have level 1 as departments and 2 as cost centres, you can get result for department X, cost centre Y. Or department X only.

Consider using Tags if you need more filtering.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You can look in /reporting/rep210.php about line 168 how to use price_in_words.

The function is located in /includes/ui/

You can also hook your own function by using the hook class.


This has now been fixed to follow the algorithms in Aged Customer/Supplier List. As default the allocated records are not shown and calculated.

HG repository has been updated. The changes will come in release 2.3.5
