1 (edited by pedma 05/21/2011 01:10:25 am)

Topic: Bonus / Commission for sales?


I'm new to FA. I've installed FA 2.3.4 under LAMP, but still don't know how to set the bonus for sales ? Example: If one salesman can sell above $1000 in a month, he will get $10 bonus or 1% bonus. If he can sell above $2000, he will get  $10 + $15  ($10 for first $1000 & $15 for the second $1000). Is it possible in FA ?

Please help
Best Regards,
- pedma -

Re: Bonus / Commission for sales?

Under the Salesman, in Sales tab, you can set the salesman to 0%. Breakpoint 1000 and then 1%. Further operations are not possible.

If you want more sophisticated sales reports you can select the Excel as destination and use columns for further calculations.


Re: Bonus / Commission for sales?

joe wrote:

Under the Salesman, in Sales tab, you can set the salesman to 0%. Breakpoint 1000 and then 1%. Further operations are not possible.

If you want more sophisticated sales reports you can select the Excel as destination and use columns for further calculations.


Many thanks Joe.

- pedma -

Re: Bonus / Commission for sales?

I have my salesmen listed as follows:

Salesman-A - Provision-1=5%           Breakpoint=200,000              Provision-2=10

This is because, I want salesmen to get 5% provision (commission) on all sales, until the 200,000 marker is reached. Any sale over 200,000 will attract a commission of 10%.

But FA calculates all sales @5% irrespective of whether it is less or more than 200,000, which is wrong.

Why is it not calculating the commission on invoices that should attract 10% commission?

And, secondly, on a related note:

How can I make FA to debit the Commission Expense Account and credit the Sales Commission Payable A/c? Because I can't see the commissions calculated by FA being shown in the Trial Balance at this time.

I think, a facility should be provided when setting up Sales Persons, where it should ask:

Specify Commission Expense Account: 61013009 (which will be common for all salesmen.

Specify Salesperson Commission Payable A/c: 21020001 (Specific to Salesman-A)
                                                                         21020002 (Specific to Salesman-B)

Re: Bonus / Commission for sales?

This would be a candidate for en extension.


Re: Bonus / Commission for sales?

Thank you for a prompt reply Joe. Will wait for the extension :)

In the meanwhile, I will talk to my IT team to tweak the code handling Salesmen provisions etc.
