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Posts found: 2,601 to 2,625 of 4,986
Regarding the missing GL Account, there seems to be a missing link from the bank account and the GL Account,
Please check your bank accounts and update them so you are sure there is a link.
Regarding the sales summary there is no such report. If you cannot use the existibg reports you will have to create a custom report. If you create one, please share it with us.
Yes. You only want to void the invoice. You may create another imvoice from the delivery.
Consider using the credit note instead. This will restore all.
Please check that Search Customer or Supplier list is not marked. Look for this in Company setup, Setup tab.
I don't understand this. You use the menu Receive Items... For doing this, and this works perfectly.
Yes, but they can be voided.
Hello again,
it is not necessary to do all the lines that Pete suggested. You can just change line 107 and 108 from
$rep->TextCol(3, 6, $coms);
$rep->TextColLines(3, 6, $coms);
That will do it.
Is changed in HG repository to go to next minor.
Thanx Pete.
I will have a look at this and incorporate it in core.
In Items and Inventory, Inventory Adjustments.
No, I don't think so. You wil have to write a script/module to do this.
I am not sure if I understand this question correctly. You can always 'overpay' the customer payment so that you owe him an amount.
The Purchase Orders are shown in the customers currency, therefore there is no total column.
The Report 'Outstanding GRN Reports' summarize the GRNs.
You may have run into a Journal Entry bug for Tax intry.
Please login to mantis, and locate bug number
0001497: Tax for journal entry the other way round
There are two files that fixes the problem, that you can download.
No, it is not a template for other companies. However it is a major company in respect to to which operations you can make on other companies. I.e. creating other companies.
I think that this do not do any harm. Contrary it shows the SO as completed. However the stock moves are updated correctly.
See my answer to this here:
The branches are containing many more fields than the customer. AS per default a branch is created every time a customer is created, so you don't have to bother. This requires that the variable $auto_create_branch is set to 1 (default) in config.php about line 77.
No, not really. But look into /sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry to see an example at the end of the files. There are also examples of call back functions.
Also look into the internal files:
You can increase the decimals in percents in Preferences.
There is also a topic about this in the Setup forum, sticky notes.
Some regions may require to setup taxes on already taxed results.
There is a topic about this on the Wiki .
This is a great suggestion. Will be included in release 2.4.
In this case I have another suggestion. As you tell us, you are calculating tax on tax.
Include the tax rates in the Tax Type name. The first tax rate is obvious. The next tax rate should be calculated as you explain.
Now suppress the rates when printing the tax by setting a variable in config.php, $suppress_tax_rates, to 1.
Now the tax rates will not be included in the print outs (and this is why you should change the Tax Type name to include the rate you want to show).
This is a common way to solve the issue.
I guess we have some Canadian users, that can explain how they do this.
Either you have selected a wrong date interval or something else. This is not reprodusable. However the direct invoice is split into two journal entries. One belonging to the invoice and one belonging to the delivery (COGS). Are your sure there are aby costs?
If the from account is a cash account and the transfer results is a negative amount this error is produced.
If you have a sales order of 100 lines, you could edit the Sales Order via the Sales Order Inquiry (take away the lines you will not deliver).
Then you could deliver the right ones as you use to do.
Ok, I see. Maybe there are some people out there that can help us here, or maybe this is to hard to solve.
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