Topic: Purchase order receipts

Is there any way to receive items against a PO without having to click 'Update Order' (within PO maintenance or inquiry) so as to get to 'Receive items on this purchase order'. It seems wrong in principle when you aren't actually updating the order itself because it presents an opportunity to change the order inadvertently.

Maybe a variant of po_receive_items.php could be added to the menu directly with a PO search and select function built into it?

Re: Purchase order receipts

I don't understand this. You use the menu Receive Items... For doing this, and this works perfectly.


Re: Purchase order receipts

It does work but users shouldn't have to update the PO in order to get to the link to receive items against it. There is always the possibility of data (most likely in the header fields) being changed without it being intended.

Re: Purchase order receipts

coder71a, you don´t need to open the PO in order to receive the items. In the list of outstanding POs, on the right end, there are three buttons: edit, print, receive.

Hope this helps

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