Topic: Print Journal Entries: coping with multline comments
THe current journal entries report (rep702.php), and possible a few other reports, don't cope with multiline comments in your transactions.
As a quick fix, you can do this kind of modification which will split out the comment lines on the report so you can see them all:
Around line 99 of rep702.php, modifiy the code so it looks like the following:
$memo = get_comments_string($myrow['type'], $myrow['type_no']);
// Pete: multline journal display.
$replines = array();
if ($memo != '')
if ($coms == "")
$coms = $memo;
$coms .= " / ".$memo;
// turn memo text into multiline array for printing
$replines = explode("\n",$coms);
// Print each line of comment separately, rather than a single line
foreach ($replines as $repline) {
This is a very quick fix, I can't vouch for the quality of it as PDF report modification can be hard, but it should get you going if you desperately need it.